hnreader (Hackernews Reader) allows you to open tech news feeds in your favorite browser from the command line.
Download the binary from the hndreader GitHub Release Page
For example: To download and install version 1.1 for Linux, you may run the following.
sudo curl -L > /usr/local/bin/hnreader && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/hnreader
or install the Go package
go get -u
Note that this option requires you to have Golang already installed. You can install Go with your operation system's package manager or download it from
Don't forget to set your GOPATH and PATH environment variables:
export GOPATH=/path/to/your/go/workspace export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
To use hnreader with its default options (Opens 10 news sites with Chrome), simply run:
hnreader r
To see all available flags for each command:
hnreader help r
hnreader help rr
There are a number of customization options:
--tabs value, -t value Specify number of tabs (default: 10)
--browser value, -b value Specify browser
--source value, -s value Specify news source (one of "hn", "reddit", "lobsters", "dzone", "devto", "steemit") (default: "hn")
--help, -h show help (default: false)
Examples with options:
hnreader r -t 31 -b "firefox"
hnreader r -b "brave" -s "reddit"
hnreader r -b "firefox" -s "reddit" -t 20
To use hnreader with a randomized source of news, run:
hnreader rr
The following options are available:
--tabs value, -t value Specify value of tabs (default: 10)
--browser value, -b value Specify browser
Tip: Create a bash alias (for Linux and macOS), if you are going to run the same command every morning.
You can do so by adding the following line (with your preferred options) to the end of your ~/.bashrc
alias hnr='hnreader r -b "firefox" -s "Reddit" -t 30' >> ~/.bashrc
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