Creating a cluster-node:
package test;
import net.cakemc.library.cluster.SynchronisationType;
import net.cakemc.library.cluster.api.Authentication;
import net.cakemc.library.cluster.api.ClusterContext;
import net.cakemc.library.cluster.api.MemberIdentifier;
import net.cakemc.library.cluster.api.SoftPublication;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// creating authentication "config"
Authentication authentication = Authentication
// creating a cluster Context
ClusterContext context = ClusterContext
// own node id
// registering a outgoing channel
// registering the publication type
// cluster type
// prioritised nodes
.priorities(1, 2, 3)
// own information
.identifier(1, "", 7001)
// cluster infrastructure
MemberIdentifier.of(1, "", 7001),
MemberIdentifier.of(2, "", 7002),
MemberIdentifier.of(3, "", 7003)
// authing inside the cluster
// subscribing to a channel and listening to publications
context.subscribe("test", (session, message, withNodes, out) -> {
// incoming publications of other nodes to this channel
return true;
// creating a publisher
// skipping own id
// sending type
// returning result
.callBack((session, message, withNodes, out) -> {
// will be called on a result
return true;
// sending a publication
.release(new SoftPublication(
"test", new byte[]{ 1, 3, 3, 7 },