The django django_admin_conf_vars app allows you to have configuration variables for your project with the Django admin
Install from pip
$ pip install django-admin-conf-vars
Add django_admin_conf_vars to your INSTALLED_APPS
Migrate to create the databases:
$ python migrate
Don't worry about the warnings, they are shown only the first time. (It's becouse the next configuration is not ready yet)
Create a python module named like you want. eg: '' and put it into your project. eg: my/path/package/ Define your variables in that file:
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from django_admin_conf_vars.global_vars import config config.set("MY_TIME_VAR", default=60) config.set("MY_OTHER_VAR", default="/some/path", editable=False) ...
Be sure to have migrated and have the database created at this point. See How to use
Add to your the path of your new module:
VARS_MODULE_PATH = 'my_package.my_var_settings_file'
The variable VARS_MODULE_PATH must to have the name of your new file (point 4). Be sure to put it into an existing python package.
Ready! Now you have configuration variables with django admininistration.
If You have installed previous versions, you need to migrate again, but first you must to comment the line in your # VARS_MODULE_PATH = 'my_package.my_var_settings_file'.
- Comment the VARS_MODULE_PATH in your
- Upgrade via pip $ pip install --upgrade django_admin_conf_vars.
- Migrate $ python migrate
- Uncomment the VARS_MODULE_PATH
- Run the server
- Django >= 1.7
django_admin_conf_vars use the Singleton design pattern to guarantee that only exists one instance of your configuration variables and that when you import the config variable always you have the global variables in a single object with your variables in its attributes. See
django_admin_conf_vars doesn't use the database every time you import it, it only connect to the database in two cases:
- Every time you restart your server.
- Every you modified a single var in the admin.
django_admin_conf_vars allows you to define global vars in your code, and too allows to edit them with the django admin. If you modify a variable with the admin, this always will keep the value of the database, and never will rewrite with the value inside the code. If you want to use the value inside the code, you can edit it in the admin and copy that value :)
Your vars in the
MY_TIME_VAR = 60 MY_OTHER_VAR = "/some/path"
Using your vars in a
from django.conf import settings def my_view(request): ... a = settings.MY_TIME_VAR b = settings.MY_OTHER_VAR ...
Conclusion: You have static variables written in your
but... what happen if you want to edit some of those variables in production? You need to edit the settings and reload your server. (Ͼ˳Ͽ)..!!!
You writte your variables and use them like normal usage.
Your vars in
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from django_admin_conf_vars.global_vars import config config.set("MY_TIME_VAR", default=60) config.set("MY_OTHER_VAR", default="/some/path") ...
And using your vars in a
from django_admin_conf_vars.global_vars import config def my_view(request): ... a = config.MY_TIME_VAR b = config.MY_OTHER_VAR ...
Simple! Now you can edit those variables with the django admin
- Created by Mauricio Aizaga. (@maoaiz write me!)
- You
Feel free to send a pull request to make a better software, I wait you.