Mobile-Token 2.x tokenizer
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev postgresql build-essential redis-server \
We need Python 3.6.1 or higher. Install it using this instruction.
So, your changes will affect instantly on the installed version
pip install cython
git clone [email protected]:Carrene/
pip install -e .
cd path/to/wolf
pip install -e .
For running tests, you should install development requirements too:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Create a file named ~/.config/wolf.yml
url: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost/wolf_dev
test_url: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost/wolf_test
administrative_url: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost/postgres
wolf db create --drop --basedata --mockup
wolf [-c path/to/config.yml] db drop
wolf [-c path/to/config.yml] db create
Or, you can add --drop
to drop the previously created database: TAKE CARE ABOUT USING THAT
wolf [-c path/to/config.yml] db create --drop
wolf [-c path/to/config.yml] db schema
wolf migrate upgrade head
wolf [-c path/to/config.yml] db basedata
wolf db mockup [count[prefix]]
wolf [-c path/to/config.yml db mockup 200 01
Using python builtin http server
wolf [-c path/to/config.yml] serve