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This repository contains the static HTML, Javascript, CSS, and images content of the website.

Please submit your PR against beta branch.


In order to work on your own version of the Javascript and CSS, please fork this project.

You will also need to install the following on your development machine:

npm install
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

curl -L | sudo perl - App::cpanminus
sudo cpanm Carton
cd scripts
sudo carton install


You need to have:

  • The latest version of node
  • Version 4.x.x of npm (npm install npm@4 -g)
  • Perl v5.18.2

In Mac systems, the safest way to install an old version of Perl is:

curl -L | bash
source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc
perlbrew init
perlbrew install 5.18.2
perlbrew switch perl-5.18.2

How to work with this project

Deploy to your gh-pages for the first time

  1. Register your application here. This will give you the ability to redirect back to your github pages after login. Use for Redirect URL.

  2. In src/javascript/common/socket.js: Replace the number 2472 in getAppId() function with the Application ID of your registered application.

  • NOTE: In order to avoid accidentally committing personal changes to this file, use git update-index --assume-unchanged src/javascript/common/socket.js
  1. Run grunt dev

Deploy js/css and template changes together

grunt dev

Deploy only js/css changes

grunt deploy

Deploy some template changes

grunt dev --path=about-us

Using sub-folders

There are times that you are working on various branches at the same time, and you want to deploy/test each branch separately on your gh-pages, you can simply use --branch=branchname for grunt commands:

  • grunt dev --branch=branchname This will deploy your changes to a sub-folder named: br_branchname and it can be browsed at:

In order to remove the created folders from your gh-pages, you can use either:

  • grunt dev --cleanup: removes all br_* folders and deploys to the root folder.


  • grunt shell:remove_folder --folder=br_branchname1,br_branchname2,...: only removes the specified folder(s) from your gh-pages.

Preview on your local machine

  • To preview your changes locally, run sudo grunt serve
  • It will watch for js/css changes and rebuild on every change you make.
  • To test changes made to templates, you need to re-compile them:
    • grunt shell:compile_dev to re-compile all templates.
    • grunt shell:compile_dev --path=about-us to re-compile only template(s) which serve about-us path in URL.

Release to Production

grunt release --beta=1|--production=1|--translations=1 [--cleanup] [--reset]

(The value 1 is needed when more than one option is used)


  • --beta or --production or --translations (mandatory)
    • In order to prevent accidentally releasing to the wrong target, it is mandatory to provide one of these parameters.
    • Your remote origin will be checked to be the correct target of the given parameter.
    • Your current branch will be checked to be the correct branch of the given parameter.
  • --cleanup [optional]
    • Creates CNAME file with proper value according to remote origin
    • Deploys to gh-pages with the option add: false
  • --reset [optional]
    • Removes all commits from gh-pages branch before release.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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