CS1.3 Technical Article Repo: Abstraction What is it ?
The goal of this project is to provide a working code sample for my Medium article, Google Doc: Preferred format, as well as demonstrate and learn good coding habbits.
Disclaimer: I'm assuming you know what an IDE and Terminal are and you have the proper packages to run your specific language.
To start, this project's code will be in python3 but will have comments for what it would be in the other languages covered in my article.
Eventually I will separate them out into mini projects as part of a workspace for the overwarping concept of Abstraction. (node.js and java)
Dependencies are added to the requirements.txt
Usage of virtualenv is highly recommended. Please use the following steps to install this django project.
Following steps requires using a terminal.
Install virtualenv if it's not installed before
$ pip3 install virtualenv
Use the following to set up the project
virtualenv venv --distribute
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 <filename.py>