This is a modification of Clean Swift Templates ( made by HELM (
To learn more about Clean Swift and the VIP cycle, read:
This modification aims to create work-ready templates and snippets to achieve the maximum efficiency for people who are already familiar with them. Furthermore we added some extra features in order to attempt to solve some issues.
Here is a list of what is modified:
- Indent is changed to a standarized 4-spaces indent
- Braces follow the OTBS (
- Deleted all example functions (doSomething, presentSomething, etc.) aswell as example models
- Deleted worker auto-creation from Scene template
Added features:
- Awesome snippet to create usecases
- New data-passing method
- Added Store Template
Previously to pass data we need to do something like this in the source Router:
let user = sourceViewController.output.selectedUser
destinationViewController.output.user = user
We think this is wrong because:
- We are not trying to output anything from the ViewController.
- We are assuming the output === Interactor and the architecture loses sense (no component should know about what kind of object its output/input is).
- We dont want the ViewController to know anythyng about Business model.
- We want the Interactor to handle this data but we don't want the ViewController to know anything about it.
So we added 2 new protocols on the router
protocol RouterDataSource:class {
protocol RouterDataDestination:class {
- The RouterDataSource protocol is used to determine what business data has to be passed somewhere.
- The RouterDataDestination protocol is used to determine what data has to be received and handled by this scene.
So following the example before we would add this in the source Router:
protocol UserListRouterDataSource:class {
var selectedUser:User! { get }
protocol UserListRouterDataDestination:class {
And this in the destination:
protocol UserDetailRouterDataSource:class {
protocol UserDetailRouterDataDestination:class {
var user:User! {get set}
As we added a dataSource object and a dataDestination object in the Router, we can now do this:
let user = dataSource.selectedUser
userDetailViewController.router.dataDestination.user = user
As previously mentioned we believe this handling should be done by the Interactor aswell but without the ViewController knowing it so we added the protocols there and changed the Configurator.swift in order to connect both protocols.
So the source Interactor would look like this:
protocol UserListDataSource {
var selectedUser:User! { get }
protocol UserListDataDestination {
class UserListInteractor: UserListInteractorInput, UserListDataSource, UserListDataDestination {
And as you would assume, the destination Interactor looks like this:
protocol UserDetailDataSource {
protocol UserDetailDataDestination {
var user:User! {get set}
class UserDetailInteractor: UserDetailInteractorInput, UserDetailDataSource, UserDetailDataDestination {
You can see a working example in the Example folder.
To install the Clean Swift Xcode HELM templates and snippets, run:
make install
To uninstall the Clean Swift Xcode templates and snippets, run:
make uninstall
To try the Example project you need carthage:
brew update
brew install carthage
Then run
carthage update
In the project folder (/Example)