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Customer Support Process

Angela Crist edited this page Jul 15, 2016 · 6 revisions
  1. Open the new support request and check for existence of a license key in the bottom right corner of the HelpScout sidebar:

    1. If the user is from, send them to the new Theme Support area. If the question is specific to the theme you can send them to the individual forum for example:

    2. If the user isn't from, move along.

    3. If the user is asking a question for a potential sale, answer question providing links to Knowledgebase to make it easy.

    4. If the email is regarding spam or something not support related, ex: HostGator email, create a note saying 'Please delete' and mark status as 'Pending' and assign to Angela.

  2. Tag the request with all appropriate tags in HelpScout. Ex:

  3. If the user has a valid license key, gather all the information needed to assist the user.

  • Make sure they have the most updated version of the theme
  • Ask for the site URL if not already provided
  • Ask what plugins they may be using to see if one is causing a conflict
  • Ask them to disable all plugins to see if that resolves the issue
  • If concerning license key ensure they have it activated on the site that they want to receive automatic updates

If you need browser info, send them to a site like What Browser Am I Using??

  1. Assess the problem and reply to the customer to ensure they know we received their request and are working on it.

  2. If the user requires more advanced support than you can provide or takes more time, let them know you will be opening a support ticket for the development team and will get back to them. Assign the ticket to the developer responsible.

    1. Project Manager/Support Agent. Create an Issue in Github for the repository of the theme in question. Add all pertinent information: customer details, browser info, screenshots of the issue, video, steps to reproduce. This will help the developer understand the full scope of the problem.

    2. Developer. Within 4-6 business hours of being assigned an issue, review the issue and provide an estimated time to complete. Once the developer has completed the issue, they will push it to either a local stage site or live theme demo and ZIP file and update the theme version number on They will then assign it to the Deployment Manager and label it ready for stage/prod.

    3. Deployment Manager. Once the Deployment Manager has deployed the fixes, they will assign the issue to the Project Manager/Support Agent and label the issue ready for qa.

    4. Project Manager/Support Agent. The Project Manager/Support Agent will review and once everything is verified, they will close the issue and respond to the customer and if it originated from Trac, update Trac.

  3. Respond to the customer and reference any support documents for their theme if they may have skipped that step and the issue relates to an item that is covered in our documents.

  4. Before closing the ticket, ask if you can help them with anything else.

    1. If they need help with another issue, go back to Step 1.
  5. Close the ticket.

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