This is a simple RESTful API which provides semantically annotated data points from the IoT-Framework engine. The main requirement for using this system is an elastic search backend such as the one used by the IoT-Framework engine (for more details see the mapping section below).
Get all streams
Get a specified stream
Get all data of the specified stream
Install elasticsearch
Stream -> ssn:Sensor
accuracy -> ssn:Accuracy
active -> ???
creation_date -> ssn:hasDeployment
data_type -> ??? (applicaton/json, maybe not needed)
description -> foaf:depiction
history_size -> ???
last_updated -> ssn:Observation
location -> foaf:based_near
# we need to add two properties to express
# min/max value because SSN doesn't define it.
max_val, min_val -> ssn:MeasurementRange
name -> foaf:name
nr_subscribers -> ???
parser -> ???
polling -> ???
polling_freq -> ssn:Frequency
private -> ???
quality -> DUL:Quality
resource -> ???
subscribers -> ???
tags -> ???
# shall we model all observations?
type -> ssn:observes
unit -> UnitOfMeasure
uri -> foaf:homepage
user_id -> foaf:maker
user_ranking -> ???
Virtual Stream -> ssn:Sensor
creation_date -> ssn:hasDeployment
description -> foaf:depiction
function -> ???
group -> ???
history_size -> ???
last_updated -> ssn:Observation
name -> foaf:name
nr_subscribers -> ???
private -> ???
streams_involved -> foaf:member
subscribers -> ???
tags -> ???
user_id -> foaf:maker
user_ranking -> ???
Data Point -> ssn:SensorOutput
stream_id -> ssn:isProducedBy
timestamp -> hasEventDate
value -> ssn:ObservationValue
Virtual Stream Data Point -> ssn:SensorOutput
stream_id -> ssn:isProducedBy
timestamp -> hasEventDate
value -> ssn:ObservationValue
The Semantic Mapper component was developed as part of the EU project CityPulse. The consortium member Ericsson provided the main contributions for this component.