This repository contains multiple architectures for segmentation. The architectures are:
- UNet (from with a lot of additions, which include
- Residual connections
- Attention
- Squeeze and Excitation blocks
- CBAM blocks
- Deeplabv3+ (from
- DeepTiramisu (from
If you use our code in your work please cite the following papers:
- Albert, S.; Wichtmann, B.D.; Zhao, W.; Maurer, A.; Hesser, J.; Attenberger, U.I.; Schad, L.R.; Zöllner, F.G. Comparison of Image Normalization Methods for Multi-Site Deep Learning. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 8923.
The models can be build by calling the build_model function in the submodule corresponding to the model.
No prerequisites are required besides the modules listed in the requirements.txt file.
It is best to use virtualenv to create a virtual environment
python -m virtualenv venv
And then install the requirements.
Pre-commit can be installed with
pip install pre-commit
The cooks will be installed by
pre-commit install
You can run the hooks for all files using (usually, they are run only for files being committed)
pre-commit run --all-files
- The test can be run using pytest
- They can also be run by hand using python -m SegmentationArchitectures.test_architectures
For training, just compile the model and train it with or a custom training function (easiest way is to subclass the tf model)