The main goal of this SDK is to speed up the integration of Bynder customers who use PHP. Making it easier to connect to the Bynder API ( and executing requests on it.
The PHP SDK requires the following in order to fully work:
PHP >= 5.6
, older versions of PHP not recommendedcurl
, although you can use your own non-cURL client if you prefer
Composer should handle all the dependencies automatically.
The Bynder PHP SDK is published as a composer package in packagist and can be found here:
This SDK depends on a few libraries in order to work, installing it with Composer should take care of everything automatically.
To install the SDK with Composer. Run the following command at the root of the project:
composer require bynder/bynder-php-sdk
To use the SDK, we use Composer's autoload in order to include all the files automatically:
This is a simple example on how to retrieve data from the Bynder asset bank. For a more detailed example of implementation refer to the sample code.
Before executing any request to the Bynder API we need to instantiate the BynderApi class, the following example shows how to use the BynderApiFactory to construct a BynderApi instance:
$bynder = new BynderClient(new Configuration(
The SDK allows the usage of the Guzzle request options. This can be done by passing the last argument when initiating the Configuration object:
$requestOptions = ['proxy' => 'http://MY-PROXY.URL:PORT_NUM'];
$bynderApi = BynderClient(new Configuration(
After getting the BynderClient service configured successfully we need to get an instance of the AssetBankManager in order to do any of the API calls relative to the Bynder Asset Bank module:
$assetBankManager = $bynder->getAssetBankManager();
And with this, we can start our request to the API, listed in the Methods Available section following. Short example of getting all the Media Items:
$mediaList = $assetBankManager->getMediaList();
This call will return a list with all the Media Items available in the Bynder environment. Note that some of the calls accept a query array in order to filter the results via the API call params (see Bynder API Docs) for more details. For instance, if we only wanted to retrieve 2 images here is what the call would look like:
$mediaList = $assetBankManager->getMediaList(
'limit' => 2,
'type' => 'image'
All the calls are Asynchronous, which means they will return a Promise object, making it a bit more flexible in order to adjust to any kind of application. Again, for a more thorough example there is a sample application use case in this repo.
OAuth can be used via authorization code or client credentials. To use client credentials, initialize a Bynder client with OAuth2 Configuration and make call to get a token via:
Sample file found in sample/OAuthClientCredentialsSample.php
php OAuthClientCredentialsSample.php
These are the methods currently available on the Bynder PHP SDK, refer to the Bynder API Docs) for more specific details on the calls.
Handles the process of generating and setting the access token required for the requests to the API. Also has calls related to users.
getUser($userId, $query);
All the Asset Bank related calls, provides information and access to Media management.
getMediaInfo($mediaId, $versions);
getMetapropertySpecificOptionDependencies($propertyId, $optionId, $query);
modifyMedia($mediaId, array $data);
getMediaDownloadLocation($mediaId, $type = 'original');
getMediaDownloadLocationByVersion($mediaId, $version);
getMediaDownloadLocationForAssetItem($mediaId, $itemId, $hash = false);
Build the Docker image and tag it:
docker build . -t bynder-php-sdk-tests
Run the tests:
docker run bynder-php-sdk-tests
Install dependencies as mentioned above (which will resolve PHPUnit), then you can run the test suite:
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests
Or to run an individual test file:
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/UtilTest.php
Scripts within sample
contain code to execute corresponding functionalities. The purpose is to demonstrate how methods
are called and provide a convenient method to execute functions.
Within sample
create a file called sample_config.php
. This file will be referenced from sample files.
Make sure all values are populated correctly before running sample files.
Example sample_config.php
file content:
$bynderDomain = "";
$redirectUri = "";
$clientId = <your OAuth2 client id>;
$clientSecret = <your OAuth2 client secret>;
$token = null;
// provide corresponding values to be used within API calls
// media id for info
$MEDIA_ID_FOR_INFO = "C078E8EE-C13A-4DA5-86EC8D6F335364EB";
// media id for download url
// media id for download url
$MEDIA_ITEM_ID_FOR_SPECIFIC_DOWNLOAD_URL = "C83B261D-715F-4188-809FE1214175A753";
// media id for renaming
$MEDIA_ID_FOR_RENAME = "C078E8EE-C13A-4DA5-86EC8D6F335364EB";
// media id for removal
$MEDIA_ID_FOR_REMOVAL = "C078E8EE-C13A-4DA5-86EC8D6F335364EB";
// collection id to get assets for
$GET_COLLECTION_ASSETS_ID = "615F03BB-D986-4786-B2C085D2F0718230";
// metaproperty id to get info for
$METAPROPERTY_ID_FOR_INFO = "0D563E99-218C-4613-86232D416EB7EA8A";
// metaproperty option id to get info for
// metaproperty id to get dependency info for
// metaproperty id for specific option dependency
// metaproperty option id for specific option
// media id used for creating asset usage
// integration id used for asset usage
Within each sample file, OAuth credentials are read in from sample_config.php
Scripts will output authorization url to navigate to retrieve access code (will not open browser automatically, user must click link).
Access code is then provided to terminal prompt to retrieve an access token for API calls afterward.
Make sure both composer
and php
are installed locally. From root directory run composer install
to install packages
form composer.json
. Navigate to sample
php BrandsSample.php
Methods Used:
- getBrands()
php CollectionsSample.php
Methods Used:
- getCollections($query)
- getCollectionAssets($collectionId)
php MediaSample.php
Methods Used:
- getDerivatives()
- getMediaList($query)
- getMediaInfo($mediaId)
- getMediaDownloadLocation($mediaId)
- getMediaDownloadLocationByVersion($mediaId, $version)
- getMediaDownloadLocationForAssetItem($mediaId, $itemId)
- modifyMedia($mediaId, $data)
- getMediaInfo($mediaId)
- deleteMedia($mediaId)
php MetapropertiesSample.php
Methods Used:
- getMetaproperties()
- getMetaproperty($metapropertyId)
- getMetapropertyDependencies($metapropertyId)
- getMetapropertyOptions($query)
- getMetapropetryGlobalOptionDependencies()
- getMetapropertyOptionDependencies($metapropertyId)
- getMetapropertySpecificOptionDependencies($metapropertyId, $metapropertyOptionId, $array)
php SmartFiltersSample.php
Methods Used:
- getSmartfilters()
php TagsSample.php
Methods Used:
- getTags()
php UploadsSample.php
Methods Used:
- uploadFileAsync($data)
- getBrands()
php UsageSample.php
Methods Used:
- createUsage($data)
- getUsage($data)
- deleteUsage($data)
Sample files can be executed within Docker container. Makefile contains corresponding commands to run/build Docker container.
file is used for container.
Makefile commands are executed from root directory. Run with sudo if permission is needed.
If needed, pull latest composer
Docker image docker pull composer:latest
Build and start up Docker container for PHP SDK using Docker Compose
make run-php-sdk-docker
Stop running Docker container for PHP SDK:
make stop-php-sdk-docker
Run sample file within Docker container (BrandsSample.php is replaced with target sample file):
make execute-php-sdk-sample sample-file-name=BrandsSample.php