Interval-Based Continuous Collision Detection
This is an implementation of continuous collision detection methods described in [Snyder, John, Interval Analysis For Computer Graphics, 1992] and [Redon, Stephane and Kheddar, Abderrahmane and Coquillart, Sabine, Fast Continuous Collision Detection between Rigid Bodies, 2002]
To compile the code, first you need to install
- CMake (,
- Boost (
in your system.
To build the executable file, you can use CMake
cd Interval-Based/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Include #include <interval_ccd/interval_ccd.hpp>
To use the method described in [Snyder, 1992], use the function
bool vertexFaceCCD_Interval(const Eigen::Vector3d& vertex_start, const Eigen::Vector3d& face_vertex0_start, const Eigen::Vector3d& face_vertex1_start, const Eigen::Vector3d& face_vertex2_start, const Eigen::Vector3d& vertex_end, const Eigen::Vector3d& face_vertex0_end, const Eigen::Vector3d& face_vertex1_end, const Eigen::Vector3d& face_vertex2_end, double& toi);
for vertex-face ccd,
use the function
bool edgeEdgeCCD_Interval(const Eigen::Vector3d& edge0_vertex0_start, const Eigen::Vector3d& edge0_vertex1_start, const Eigen::Vector3d& edge1_vertex0_start, const Eigen::Vector3d& edge1_vertex1_start, const Eigen::Vector3d& edge0_vertex0_end, const Eigen::Vector3d& edge0_vertex1_end, const Eigen::Vector3d& edge1_vertex0_end, const Eigen::Vector3d& edge1_vertex1_end, double& toi);
for edge-edge ccd.
To use the method described in [Redon, 2002], use the function
bool vertexFaceCCD_Redon(const Eigen::Vector3d& vertex_start, const Eigen::Vector3d& face_vertex0_start, const Eigen::Vector3d& face_vertex1_start, const Eigen::Vector3d& face_vertex2_start, const Eigen::Vector3d& vertex_end, const Eigen::Vector3d& face_vertex0_end, const Eigen::Vector3d& face_vertex1_end, const Eigen::Vector3d& face_vertex2_end, double& toi);
for vertex-face ccd,
use the function
bool edgeEdgeCCD_Redon(const Eigen::Vector3d& edge0_vertex0_start, const Eigen::Vector3d& edge0_vertex1_start, const Eigen::Vector3d& edge1_vertex0_start, const Eigen::Vector3d& edge1_vertex1_start, const Eigen::Vector3d& edge0_vertex0_end, const Eigen::Vector3d& edge0_vertex1_end, const Eigen::Vector3d& edge1_vertex0_end, const Eigen::Vector3d& edge1_vertex1_end, double& toi);
for edge-edge ccd.
For vertex-face ccd, the inputs are the vertex and the triangle vertices in the begining and the end of the time step.
For edge-edge ccd, the inputs are the vertices of the two edges in the begining and the end of the time step.
is the output impact time.