A code challenge set by 9Digital for a NodeJS JSON web service.
Build a JSON based web service that takes a specific payload (see tests/api/payload.json) in JSON format and returns specific elements based on the criteria of
drm = true
episodeCount > 0
The response must include the following from the payload and be returned in JSON format
There must be error handling for invalid JSON with the key or "error" and the HTTP status code of 400 (Bad Request).
Linux machine with internet access.
NodeJS 6 ( tested on v6.11.0 & v6.11.3 )
Global dependencies
This small service requires that forever and forever-service are installed as global packages, this may require sudo.
sudo npm install -g forever forever-service
Please note forever-service is not supported on MacOS, at least at the time of writing..
The .env file holds the WEBSERVER_PORT config along with NODE_ENV
If no port is supplied the default of 3000 will be applied.
npm install --production
Production setup options are as follows;
You can start/stop/restart the service using the commands below, which will use forever to keep the service running in the background.
Forever also
npm start
npm stop
npm restart
If forever-service is installed as suggested you can install the service to run on boot using
npm run-script install_service
You may also remove the service by running
npm run-script remove_service
npm install --devDependencies
Dev has two npm run-script's dev_start and test, you can use the normal start, stop, restart options.
dev_start will give you full debug output with the help from the debug npm module.
npm run-script dev_start
test runs mocha with chai for assertions, excepts etc. all tests are under the test folder.
npm test
The current setup for testing used by 9Digital is running on a VPS in America with OS - Debian 7 64bit
Linux HOSTNAME 2.6.32-042stab120.19 #1 SMP Mon Feb 20 20:05:53 MSK 2017 x86_64 GNU/Linux
NGINX is running in front of the application as a reverse proxy and using Let's Encrypt to supply the SSL certificate by using CertBot ( certbot-auto --nginx -d 9digital.DOMAIN ).
This is the default config used before using CertBot to apply an SSL certificate.
server {
server_name 9digital.DOMAIN;
location ~ /.well-known {
allow all;
location / {
client_max_body_size 20M;
access_log on;
listen 80;