ED: Overwatch is an application to track the progress of Aftermath War in the second Thargoid war in Elite Dangerous.
The application collects data from various sources and makes it available to users and application through the web app or API respectively.
The web app is accessible using the following link:
- Framework: ASP.NET 7 runtime
- ActiveMQ Artemis
- MariaDB
- Tesseract OCR Engine
Directory: src/DCoHTrackerDiscordBot
Built with .NET 7 and Discord.Net it provides the functionality for the DCoH Tracker Discord Bot.
Directory: src/EDCApi
Small library component for the Frontier CApi functionality in the other projects.
Directory: src/EDDatabase
Entity Framework Core structure of the database.
Directory: src/EDDataProcessor
Main data processor which receives and processes the data from other sources.
Directory: src/EDDNClient
Client application to receive and pre-filter messages from the EDDN.
Directory: src/EDOverwatch
Processes the events from other applications to detect and update Thargoid activity.
Directory: src/EDOverwatch Web
The ED: Overwatch web application, built with ASP.Net 7 and Angular.
Directory: src/EDOverwatchWeeklyReset
Updates the systems to reflect the new in-game states after the weekly server tick.
Directory: src/EDSystemProgress
Library to recognize the progress screenshots posted and extract the relevant information from them.