GameDevelopment mini Projects
- gcc compiler
- Text Editor
Development: The Games Below are build using c++ programming language , to play:- Mac Users (Preferred ,Since developed and tested on Mac): - Navigate to 'GameName_Mac'.cpp file directory - g++ 'GameName_Mac'.cpp - than type ./a.out to exceute the code. Windows Users: - Run 'GameName_Windows'.cpp Using a good C++ Compiler Like Visual Studio.
Ping Pong Game: Controls: - For Player 1 : 'w' - To move Pad Up 's' - To move Pad Down - For Player 2 : 'i' - To move Pad Up 'k' - To move Pad Down Bugs: Figuring out to add More Dynamic Nature To The Ball When it reflects back from Pad. (Used Random change of y axis)
Snakes: Controls: - Standard Single Player Game: 'w' - To move Up 's' - To move Down 'd' - To move Left 'a' - To move Right
Tic Tac Toe: Controls: - Read On Screen Instructions.