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AndroidTools (linux)

1.TerMinimalBootEdit Readme(eng) Place the actual boot.img | & | recovery.img file next to the application and run it. You get a working directory at the output, on subsequent launches the original images will be rebuilt from it.

Create&Work With:


zImageLoader.bin		//zImage.gz Loader if exists
zImage.gz				//no comments
zImageDTB.bin			//Strings table of zImage.gz
ramdisk/				//Unpacked ramdisk.cpio.gz any users and access rights will be adjusted
ramdiskLoader.bin		//ramdisk.cpio.gz Loader if exists
ramdisk.cpio.gz			//no comments
secondpartLoader.bin	//secondpart.dat Loader if exists
secondpart.dat			//In official google doc's if have, then jump to second_addr instead kernel
DevTree.dat				//If bootheader_version contain size (version is 0)
dtbo.dat				//used in boot v1&&v2
dtb.dat					//used in boot v2 only
Orig&FakenowSign.sigh	//Maked self or old paste signature to boot.img
config.conf				//actual config to Done-Generate boot.img


droid_fs_repacker: if there is a "ramdisk /" directory in the working directory, the application will try to assemble ramdisk.cpio from it which is converted to ramdisk.cpio.gz using the "$ gzip ramdisk.cpio" which will be packed into the image.

zImage_builder_helper:in the presence of a suitable, untreated, nuclear core extract -attach as zImage.pck and exult, then remove the excess

Experimental parms: "CPIO_PACK_BLOCK_ALIGN=0xHEX"-Alignment of ramdisk.cpio archive size generative from ramdisk/.

Out from standarts and limitless.. Good luck.