Releases: Denzy7/dengine
from git diff v0.6.0
this release has A LOT of changes over a couple of months
- wayland support (EXPERIMENTAL). Requires a very recent distribution
that supports required wayland protocols such as arch. Force Wayland by
- Optimize event loop by using condition variables. This reduced CPU
usage since event loop was wasting alot of CPU cycles by running
infinately after window_createwindowandpoll in window.c - Added Car physics test (really fun to crash this car joy). Also fixed
broken bullet physics test - Scene shadows now draw using back faces,
- Add pulseaudio NSL + stb_vorbis to decode an ogg file to play some
audio (neeet!) - Thread lock pushing to debug trace to avoid race condition see commit
- fixed gamepad for Win32 and Linux
- Redirect stdout to file when starting logging thread
- Android immersive mode hacks using JNI
- check for pthread_types to avoid namespace pollution by including
pthread.h - Temux:X11 android support
- Force context or windowing with CMake option
for Linux - Exit if an OpenGL error occurs. Requires
This release removes glfw dependency. nothing in particular is wrong
with it, just that the project has matured enough to not rely on it.
please note controller input and x11 input is slightly broken. x11 input
is still single threaded
Notable mentions:
- NSL to have some nice bullet physics with shadows too!
- DengineRC to build resources and remove pesky file system dependencies
- Shader and Texture making. This is more flexible than returning heap
allocated objects - OpenSans light will always be embedded into dengine-gui
- No more vertex arrays unless opengl/es 3.2+
- Zip reading util can decompress to memory block
- Logging colors now actually work. Remember to reset after changing!
Please note this release does not include python for windows. This is because there will be changes in how python is embedded in the next release
This release merges feature-script-python to main and introduces python
scripting to upstream beers
Please see some example scripts in assets/scripts. See the main on how to get scripting to work with VSCode. Its seemless on
Linux but tricky on Windows
Using Python is completely optional and can be disabled completely!
Other changes include:
- use callback for receiving logging. Any messages that go thru
(Python) will be redirected to Log. This also has the same
effect with android
- add android ecs test (pure ecs. no C code is moving anything!)
- add python no gui test
- dengine/android --> dengine-utils/platform/android
- moved android to utils/platform/android. This might resolve a
circular dependency. it also makes more sense this way. meaning no need
to set native window raised_hands
- moved android to utils/platform/android. This might resolve a
- dengine-utils/logging:
- added a logging thread which redirects stdout and stderr to
callbacks. Useful forprintf
to android logcat or printf to dengitor.
On android its kinda rough as it only prints once the app exits
- added a logging thread which redirects stdout and stderr to
- dengine-utils/filesys:
- reorder how filesys detects assets dir. Uses srcdir as the last
- reorder how filesys detects assets dir. Uses srcdir as the last
- dengine-utils/zipread:
- read and extract zip files. read comment at zipread.h on its
current limitations
- read and extract zip files. read comment at zipread.h on its
- dengine-model/model:
- can load a model from memory
- downscaled sea cubemap to 512x512 and sunset.hdr 1024x512 to reduce
disk usage
ALSO: This release has been statically linked hence the increased binary size
- removed parent-child limits for ecs components
- Can now change light component(except light type and mode). You can
only change PCF for DirLights as other lights do not need it in most
cases - Embed license so its shown in about dialog
- Increase icon size for editor res for Win32
- Use tick to redraw glarea. This is very taxing on resources but makes
the scene tree always up to date - Use expander to hide or show components
- Can now rotate editor camera with right mouse button (also hides mouse cursor slightly_smiling_face)
- Move editor camera forward with W (its a bit clunky)
- Move editor camera with mouse with a combination of motion, key, button events in a
- use a single to config all dll's for win32
- fix crash when dengine_init() on Android. This crashed since filesdir
was not set using JNI
- get entity right and up
- fix android tests not building due to missing symlinks. Also set
appropriate activity & app names and link dengine libs only
This is the first release 🥳
The editor is very basic (and buggy!) with just a handful of features:
- Changing transform component and camera component
- Changing the current entity
- Changing theme (Breeze Dark, Breeze Light and System default) and font (might be blurry on Win32) from Edit->Preferences
- Switching between scene and game view
- Change scene view options like FOV and scene grid
- About page in Help->About
NOTE: Don't close any window with 'x' on Windows. This will destroy the window which is currently buggy