Equinix provides baremetal resources on demand. This project enables you to automate the installation of OpenShift using Equinix baremetal instances as infrastructure Since the BMC on Equinix is not reachable for using feature like virtualmedia, the only way to boot an ISO is using iPXE. OpenShift Assisted Installer will be used to install the cluster. The ansible playbook will deploy the utility server and setup all the components such as Metal CLI, AICLI and iPXE webserver. At the end of the deployment the utility server is deleted to free up the resources.
- Ansible
- Ansible Builder
- Equinix Metal API Token, Organization ID, Project ID
- SSH public key/private key used to access Equinix instance
Clone this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/tele0x/openshift-equinix-automation
$ cd openshift-equinix-automation
We will use ansible-builder to build the execution environment in a container. From the openshift-equinix-automation directory run:
$ ansible-builder build -v 3 -t equinix-ocp-automation
There is several variables that has to be configured properly in order for the playbook to run correctly.
- Add OpenShift pullsecret under keys directory and name the file openshift_pull.json
- Add both SSH public key and private key under the keys directory, name the file ssh_public_key and ssh_private_key
- IMPORTANT: change permission on private key:
chmod 600 keys/ssh_private.key
- IMPORTANT: change permission on private key:
- Edit group_vars/all
- Set api_token, project_id and organization_id needed by metal CLI
- Set ai_offlinetoken to the OCM token from https://console.redhat.com/openshift/token
- Edit SNO clusters variables to change cluster name and base domain
Files in keys directory:
$ tree -l keys/
├── openshift_pull.json
├── ssh_private.key
└── ssh_public.key
0 directories, 3 files
Execute the command and sit back and relax, once all it's completed your OpenShift Single Node cluster will be available on Equinix Baremetal.
$ podman run -v $(pwd):/runner/:Z --rm --name equinix localhost/equinix-ocp-automation ansible-playbook -vv --ssh-common-args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -i localhost playbooks/deploy.yaml
PLAYBOOK: deploy.yaml **********************************************************
3 plays in playbooks/deploy.yaml
PLAY [localhost] ***************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
task path: /runner/playbooks/deploy.yaml:2
ok: [localhost]
TASK [(Equinix) Deploy utility server] *****************************************
task path: /runner/playbooks/deploy.yaml:10
changed: [localhost] => {"changed": true, "devices": [{"hostname": "utility", "id": "5303f1f3-7c47-4f23-bbf5-dddbeccf85da", "ip_addresses": [{"address": "", "address_family": 4, "public": true}, {"address": "2604:1380:4641:f200::5", "address_family": 6, "public": true}, {"address": "", "address_family": 4, "public": false}], "locked": false, "private_ipv4": "", "public_ipv4": "", "public_ipv6": "2604:1380:4641:f200::5", "state": "active", "tags": []}]}
TASK [[Equinix] Deploy equinixsno01 device] ************************************
task path: /runner/playbooks/deploy.yaml:20
changed: [localhost] => {"changed": true, "devices": [{"hostname": "equinixsno01", "id": "84dc7661-121b-4128-a81e-927188cc6bda", "ip_addresses": [{"address": "", "address_family": 4, "public": true}, {"address": "2604:1380:4641:f200::1", "address_family": 6, "public": true}, {"address": "", "address_family": 4, "public": false}], "locked": false, "private_ipv4": "", "public_ipv4": "", "public_ipv6": "2604:1380:4641:f200::1", "state": "active", "tags": []}]}