AiCore Rock-Paper-Scissor-ComputerVision project -
Implementation of rock-paper-scissor game using manual input from user using basic python:
a. Python | random | input() function | list data structure | Control flow
b. To play the game with computer with manual user input, run
Implementation of rock-paper-scissor game using manual input from user using Advanced python:
a. Python | random | functions| Classes | list data structure | Control flow
b. To play the game with computer with manual user input and by calling Class RPS(), run
Implementation of rock-paper-scissor game using webcam as input and Computer Vision.
a. Python |OpenCv | Keras | Numpy | random |
b. Model trained on teachable machines building own dataset
c. To play full game with camera, run
**Mileston1: Create the model **
Go to to start creating the model. Each class is trained with images of yourself showing options to camera. An image model of 4 classes(Rock,Paper,Scissor,Nothing) was created using webcam inputs.
The model was downloaded and saved to the repository. The text file containing the labels as labels.txt
Milestone 2: Install the dependencies
Create new virtual environment and install the below requirements Requirements • Python 3 • Keras • Tensorflow • OpenCV
conda create -n my_env_name python=3.9
conda activate my_env_name
conda install pip
Install the requirements:
conda install -c conda-forge opencv
pip install ipykernel
Milestone 3: Create a Rock-Paper-Scissor game
- Store user’s input and computer’s choices
- Determine the winner by applying the rock-paper-scissor game logic
- Usage of python function to determine the winner
- Usage of python random module to decide computer’s choices
Milestone 4: Using camera to play rock-paper-scissor
- Use camera to get the input from the user and get the predictions of the model
- Add countdown to zero
- Add the number of rounds to the game to decide the Winner with the update in the score.