Backbone.js snippets for Sublime Text 2
- covers coffee script tab completions for full 0.9 public API
- base API snippets are included already with the Sublime-Text-2-Backbone.js Plugin
###CoffeeScript Scope Snippets Provided in This Package (WIP)
bme - Create a Model class
clear - Removes all attributes from the model
def - Specify default attributes for model
esc - Returns HTML-escaped model attribute
fetch - Resets the model state from server
get - Get the current value of an attribute from the model
has - True if attribute is non-null or non-undefined
id - Special property of models
idAttrib - Map a model id attribute
new - Create an instance model
off - Remove all previously-bound callbacks
on - Bind a callback function to an object
set - Set the current value of a model attribute
json - Return a JSON copy of model attributes
tr - Trigger callbacks for the given event
unset - Remove an attribute
- Simply clone/download this package, select any, or all, of the snippets and drop them into your Sublime-Text-2-Backbone.js-package directory.
- Website: Douglas Reynolds Consulting.
- Twitter: @drcsoft @dougrdotnet