Backbone.js snippets and tab completions for Sublime Text 2
- suports both JavaScript and CoffeScript
- covers tab completions for full 0.9 public API
- adds few convenience snippets
###JavaScript Scope
bd - Module definition (requirejs)
bv - Backbone.View.extend({$1})
bm - Backbone.Model.extend({$1})
bc - Backbone.Collection.extend({$1})
br - Backbone.Router.extend({$1})
###CoffeeScript Scope
bc - Backbone.Collection
bd - Backbone requirejs Module definition
bm - Backbone.Model
br - Backbone.Router
bv - Backbone.View
##Additional CoffeeScript Snippets Sublime-Text-2-Backbone.js-Coffee
Available from Sublime Package Control default channel or if you prefer to install manually just clone/copy to your Sublime Text 2 packages folder
Any requests to add more snippets? ideas to make it better? random requests? just ping me or open a pull request straight away.
CoffeScript support added by @dougrdotnet