Simple Discord bot for scheduling Events. You can create Events and display the next event.
To use this code you need Nodejs and Discord,js. You also need your own Discord application token which you can get from Click and fill required fields:
- New Application
- Bot
- Copy Token
The token should then pasted into the config.json file at "token".
"prefix": "!",
"token": "Your Token goes here"
To Start the Bot you simply need to start node.js with the app.js within your commandline.
node app.js
The Bot is developed for german users. So all of the commands are in german. As the code is written in english it should be easy to translate.
You can PM the bot to create events, or you can talk to the bot in public channels. All of the following commands are typed into Discord. Please be aware of the commands and responses are in german. The main features are shown below.
To create an event you type:
!termin NameOfTheEvent ParticipatingPersons DateOfEvent TimeOfEvent
Please be aware of the spaces in between arguments.