Discord bot that has various commands useful in keeping streaks for servers. Stores information safely in a SQLite database. 100% written in Python.
- /streak current: Displays the current streak of a user
- /streak leaders: Displays the server's top 3 current streaks
- /streak best: Displays the all-time best streak of a user
- /streak all-time: Displays the server's top 3 best streaks
- /streak info: Displays the database info for a user
Usage: If using for your own server, create a new application at https://discord.com/developers/applications. Under bot, give the bot access to read message history, use slash commands, and send messages. Create a file called .env and create a variable titled "DISCORD_TOKEN." This variable will store your Discord token ID. Once done, copy the install link in the developer portal to add the bot to your server.
Hosting: Using Railway or Render are two great options to host the bot. Replit using flask is another viable option.
Storage Information: All data is stored in a file that will automatically be created called "streaks.db". This is an SQLite3 file that stores the following information: username, current streak, best streak, and last update.
Known Bugs:
- Streak doesn't break until it is checked again by calling the streak keyword