Parallel inject current source schematic and programming code, using AD9833 DDS IC.
Includes: Circuit schematics, PCB Layout, Arduino code for programming output frequency and/or phase of CS.
Instructions for programming CS board
- Turn on power (Press both push button switches).
- Connect mini-USB cable to Arduino.
- Open /src/DDS_PCB/DDS_PCB.ino and upload to Arduino.
Devices will be initially be programmed to default frequencies, specified in the src/frequencies.h file.
After programming, frequency and/or phase can be adjusted using serial monitor:
- Open serial monitor (Ctrl-Shift-M)
- Make sure line ending is set to 'no line ending' and baud rate is 9600
- 'freq chan value' will set the frequency of chan to value e.g. 'freq 2 2500' sets channel 2 to 2500Hz
- 'phase chan value' will set the phase in degrees of chan to value e.g. 'phase 2 50' sets phase of channel 2 to 50 degrees. Phase is 0 by default.
- The terminal should echo a message confirming programming is happening.
Once programmed, the USB cable can be unplugged.