CRAN release v0.3.2
New features:
New features in existing functions:
- findAndTransFormDates now recognize date character even if "0" are not present in month or day part and month as lower strings.
- findAndTransFormDates and setColAsDate now work with factors.
New functions:
- fastDiscretization: to perform equal freq or equal width discretization on a data set using data.table power.
- fastScale: to perform scaling on a data set using data.table power.
- one_hot_encoder: to perform one_hot encoding on a data set using data.table power.
New documentation:
- A new vignette to illustrate how to build a correct train and test set unising data preparation
- Minor changes in log (in particular regarding progress bars and typos)
- Due to dependencies issues with tcltk, we stop using it and start using progress
- Private function real_cols take more importance to control that columns have the correct types and handling "auto" value.
- Making code faster: some functions are up to 30% faster
- Review unit testing to be faster
- Unit test evolution to be more readable
- date1 column in messy_adult data set has changed in order to illustrate the recognition of date character even if "0" are not present in month or day part.