Electrical Age is Minecraft 1.7.10 compatible. Forge is required.
This version of Electrical Age is, as an experiment, built against the latest 1.7.10 version of Forge ( rather than the 'recommended' version. Please let us know if this breaks anything.
We've also changed the versioning scheme, to follow semantic versioning rules. This is version 1.12.0. Any bugfixes released without gameplay changes will be 1.12.1, 1.12.2 and so forth. See the link for a full explanation.
The tutorial map remains our recommended method of learning the basics of Electrical Age, but doesn't include examples of the highest-tier, mechanical power blocks. To learn about these we recommend the other support options, particularly Gitter or IRC.
There is also a semi-official server, many players on which would be happy to show you around. This always runs the newest development builds, so join in if you want to be an alpha tester.
We are currently looking for people who can help with the Wiki.
- New items:
Added a Gas Turbine. This creates mechanical energy by burning gasoline and equivalents.
The Gas Turbine's unique charm point, compared to the steam turbine, is that it reacts much faster to control inputs. This makes it more useful in early-midgame. It will also run at 800V if required, although inefficiently. The gas turbine needs to be spun up before it will work, however.
A wide variety of mod-provided fuels already work, but we'd take any requests for more. Diesel and raw oil deliberately does not, however; use the steam turbine for these.
Added a straight mechanical shaft block.
Added a mechanical joint block, allowing shaft networks to spread out in 2D.
Added a flywheel.
This can be used to store energy in shaft networks, and they're a good early-midgame alternative to electrical emergency power dumps, but they slow spinup by a large factor.
Added a Tachometer block. This outputs the speed of the shaft network as a signal.
Added a battery-powered fire detector and buzzer.
Added lead uses, as a cheaper alternative to electrical breakers.
- Gameplay changes:
Fuel Generators can burn all the same fuels as the Gas Turbine, except for natural gas.
Added WAILA support.
By default it will only show you information you could theoretically get without a multimeter.
There is a configuration option to switch this.
- Added configuration options:
- The Modbus server port is now configurable.
- In case the port is unavailable, we'll ignore it and continue rather than crash.
- The LED bulbs can be configured to have infinite lifespan, even with lamp aging turned on.
- Battery capacity is now configurable. Please be reasonable; the defaults are as they are to maintain balance.
- Bugfixes:
- Visual:
- Mechanical shafts now all rotate in the correct direction, regardless of placement.