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Prediction of udemy courses popularity

Table of contents:

About the project

This project is aimed to create a machine learning model for prediction of a popularity of an arbitrary course, which an author is going to place at Udemy learning platform. The author just needs to send to the model a few parameters to predict, whether the course will be popular:

  • 'course_id' - arbitrary id of a course (int)
  • 'is_paid' - 'yes' for paid course / 'no' for free course
  • 'price' - value for paid course of 0 for free one (int)
  • 'num_lectures' - number of lectures in the course (int)
  • 'level' - level of the course: 'All Levels', 'Beginner Level', 'Intermediate Level', 'Expert Level'
  • 'content_duration' - duration of the course in hours (float),
  • 'subject' - field of a course: 'Graphic Design', 'Web Development', 'Business Finance', 'Musical Instruments'

Developed ML model is realized as a web service and deployed to the Google Cloud Platform.

Structure of the repository

The repository contains the next files and folders:

  • images - folder with images to
  • - project documentation
  • udemy_courses.csv - initial dataset
  • notebook.ipynb - a notebook with exploratory data analysis and ML model development
  • model.bin - a stored final model
  • Pipfile and Pipfile.lock - files with virtual environment for project
  • - a python script to train the model
  • - a python script to create a web service on the base of developed final ML model
  • Dockerfile - to containerize the developed model
  • - a a python file to test and work with the locally deployed model
  • - a python file to test and work with the model, deployed to Google Cloud Platform

Dataset description

Dataset source is: . This dataset contains 3.678 records of courses from 4 subjects (Business Finance, Graphic Design, Musical Instruments and Web Design) taken from Udemy.
Columns of the dataset are listed below:

  • course_id
  • course_title
  • url
  • is_paid (True/False)
  • price
  • num_subscribers
  • num_reviews
  • num_lectures
  • level ('All Levels', 'Beginner Level', 'Intermediate Level', 'Expert Level')
  • content_duration
  • published_timestamp (date of publication of a course)
  • subject ('Graphic Design', 'Web Development', 'Business Finance', 'Musical Instruments')

Virtual environment

Virtual environment of the project is provided by Pipfile and Pipfile.lock. These files contain all information about libraries and dependencies for the project. To create a virtual environment with libraries and dependencies required for the project, one should install pipenv library:

pip install pipenv

Then it's necessary to clone this repository from GitHub, open a terminal in the folder with this repository, and run the following commands:

pipenv install # to install project virtual environment pipenv shell # to activate virtual environment

This virtual environment is also used for notebook.ipynb file. To open this file one should enter all previous commands and then start Jupyter Notebook by entering the next command in a terminal (command window):

pipenv run jupyter notebook

Then you should find notebook.ipynb file and open it.

Data preparation

Dataset preparation and exploratory data analysis are performed in a notebook.ipynb file.

Initial dataset doesn't contain explicit data about a popularity of courses, but it has an information about number of subscribers. In this project a "popularity" of a course is defined as a ratio of a number of subscribers to an age of a course. An "age" of a course is defined as a difference between the date of uploading of a course ('published_timestamp' column) and the date of data scraping. During the analysis of popularity distribution, it was obtained that there were 8 observations with extremely high popularity (0.2% of all dataset). They all were from "web development" area (0.67% of all courses from this area). As the percentage of extremely popular courses was not high these observations were considered as outliers, and they were dropped out of a consideration.

Exploratory data analysis (EDA) was performed. It was obtained that the distribution of a target value 'popularity' is similar to a Poisson distribution. In this project target variable mean value depends significantly on just a few observations (most popular courses). In such case median value is more stable. That is why a median value is set as a threshold to consider courses popular/unpopular, i.e. a course is considered to be popular if it's popularity is greater than median of all courses' popularities. Thus 'popularity' target variable was converted to variable with 0/1 values.

Based on the business task modeling was performed for the next features:

  • 'course_id',
  • 'is_paid'
  • 'price'
  • 'num_lectures'
  • 'level'
  • 'content_duration'
  • 'subject'
  • and target variable 'popularity'.

Feature importance analysis was also performed in the frame of EDA. It was obtained, that a target value 'popularity' depends significantly on a 'subject' of a course. The fact of whether a course is free of charge or not plays less important role. And the level of a course effects just slightly on a target value 'popularity'. Correlation analysis showed that 'price', 'content_duration' and 'num_lectures' effect on a target value almost equally. But their effect is not significant.

Machine Learning Models

Development of ML models and parameters tuning are also performed in a notebook.ipynb file.

Three classifier models are built:

  • linear regression classifier model with tuned parameters. It's ROC-AUC score is equal to 0.770 on validation dataset
  • decision tree classifier model with tuned parameters. It's ROC-AUC score is equal to 0.824 on validation dataset
  • random forest classifier model with tuned parameters. It's ROC-AUC score is equal to 0.838 on validation dataset

Random forest classifier model is selected as a final model. It's parameters:
n_estimators = 148,
max_depth = 9,
min_samples_leaf = 3
The model was trained on test+validation dataset and showed ROC-AUC score of 0.835 on test dataset.

Running a web service in a local server

Developed final model is implemented in a web service. To run it it's necessary to install Docker, create a container (which contains all system dependencies, libraries, scripts and others) and run it.

Docker may be installed from the official site

File Dockerfile of the current repository (or cloned to your PC) contains all specifications to a container to be built: python, virtual environment, scripts and model file etc. To build a container one should start a Docker, open a terminal or command window and enter the next command:

docker build -t course-popularity .

Ones your docker container is built, you can run it with the next command:

docker run -it --rm -p 9696:9696 course-popularity:latest

The result of the command is to be running local server, like shown at the image below:

docker run

Then you may check the result of web application's work. You should open other command window (or terminal), activate virtual environment (as described above: pipenv shell) and run a script with the next command:

pipenv run

A script sends to the local server a course with the next features:
{'course_id' : 1009622,
'is_paid' : 'yes',
'price' : 80,
'num_lectures' : 43,
'level' : 'Beginner Level',
'content_duration' : 5.5,
'subject' : 'Graphic Design'
The result of script's work should be as follows:

predict_test result

The results obtained mean that the course will be popular with the probability 0.633

You can also change features in and calculate popularity of an arbitrary course.

Running a web service in a cloud

The web service is also deployed to Google Cloud Platform (Cloud Run) with the next commands:

gcloud config set project udemy-popularity-prediction # create a project

docker images # obtain a list of docker images to get exactly the name of needed image

docker tag course-popularity:latest # create a tag to image

docker push # push image to Google Container Registry

gcloud run deploy popularity-server --image --port 9696 --platform managed --region europe-central2 # deploy image

As result of docker push ... command you container appeared in Google Container Registry


The result of gcloud run deploy ... command will be a running server


Web service is available on URL: The page can’t be loaded, because this URL ends with method, but the URL works perfect within a script.

You may check the result of web application's work. You should open command window (or terminal), activate virtual environment (as described above: pipenv shell) and run a script with the next command:
pipenv run script send to local server a course with the next features:
{'course_id' : 1009622,
'is_paid' : 'yes',
'price' : 80,
'num_lectures' : 43,
'level' : 'Beginner Level',
'content_duration' : 5.5,
'subject' : 'Graphic Design'
The result of script's work should be as follows: \

predict_test_cloud result

The results obtained mean that the course will be popular with the probability 0.633

You can also change features in and calculate popularity of argbitrary course.


If you have any suggestions or comments about this project, please contact me via LinkedIn ( ) or email ([email protected]).


No description, website, or topics provided.






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