Steps To run the Elevate2020_ReactUI:
Step1: git clone <Elevate2020_ReactUI Repo>
Step2: cd <Elevate2020_ReactUI Repo>
step3: rm -rf node_modules [If Present]
Step4: npm install
Step5: npm start
Setting The Proxy for the use of springboot API:
Step1: Open the package.json [vi Elevate2020_ReacUI/package.json]
Step2: Add
"proxy": "http://localhost:8080" [For local testing]
If deployed in Kuberneetes,
"proxy": "<service-name>:<PORT>"
To run the react app NodeJs should be installed in system: If NodeJs NOT installed follow the below Steps:
Install NodeJs package:
For Docker Containerization of ReactAPP: Step1: Write the dockerfile in root of App
FROM node:9-slim
# WORKDIR specifies the directory our
# application's code will live within
# We copy our package.json file to our
# app directory
COPY package.json /app
# We then run npm install to install
# express for our application
RUN npm install
# We then copy the rest of our application
# to the app direcoty
COPY . /app
# We start our application by calling
# npm start.
CMD ["npm", "start"]
Step2: Build the docker image
docker build -t ss-react-ui .
Step3: run the image:
docker run -it -p 3000:3000 ss-react-ui
Step4: Validate the same in localhost:3000