Teamspeak bot for creating channels for user. When a user joins the specific channel and has one of the server groups a channel will be created for them. Channels are passworded, the password is sent to the user and they are also given the specified channel group.
Copy config.example.json to config.json and edit it to your liking.
config.json explanation:
"address": "", // address to connect to
"queryport": 10011, // port serverquery is on
"serverport": 9987, // port of the server to run for
"username": "serveradmin", // username to login with
"botName": "BOT", // unique name for the bot to use
"password": "password", // password for the account
"listenChannel": 107, // the channel to listen for joins
"channelId": 107, // channel ID to make channels under
"groupIds": [6], // array of group IDs that should be allowed permissions, empty for all
"codec": 5, // 0: Speex Narrowband 1: Speex Wideband 2: Speex Ultra-wideband 3: Celt Mono 4: Opus Voice 5: Opus Music
"codec_quality": 10,
"channelGroupId": 5, // the channel group ID to assign after create
"channelType": "temporary", // permanent, semi_permanent, temporary
"channelName": "{{username}}'s channel", // name the channel will have
"channelTopic": "{{username}}'s channel", // topic the channel will have
"channelDescription": "{{username}}'s channel", // description the channel will have
"noPermissionMessage": "You do not have permission to create a channel"