Schmatt Inc. Project Repository
This is the project repository for the Schmatt Inc. team at Elvebakken School's IM.
Project Overview The project is focused on creating a web application for a fictional company named Schmatt Inc. The goal of the application is to create a chat-app, with concepts similar to reddit.
Technologies Used
- NextJS
- NodeJS
- Firebase
- TailwindCSS
Members The following members are part of the Schmatt Inc. team:
- mpu69
- ivermoka
- Max-Petzold
- korneliushen
- Edvard
Project Structure The repository is structured as follows:
- public/: Public assets for the web application.
- src/: Source code for the web application.
- components/: React components used in the application.
- firebase-configSchmatt.js: Firebase configuration file.
- pages/: Top-level pages of the application.
- utils/: Utility functions used throughout the application.
- .gitignore: Specifies files to be ignored by git.
- This file.
Installation To run the project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository: git clone
- Navigate to the project directory: cd bedrift-prosjekter-schmatt
- Install dependencies: npm install
- Start the development server: npm start
Deployment The project is deployed using Firebase Hosting. To deploy the project, follow these steps:
- Create a Firebase project and link it to the project directory.
- Build the project: npm run build
- Deploy the project: firebase deploy
Contributions Contributions to the project are welcome! To contribute, follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch: git checkout -b my-feature-branch
- Make changes and commit them: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push changes to the branch: git push origin my-feature-branch
- Create a pull request on GitHub.