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Yourjargon Build Status

This web application shows the power of Rails and EmberJS to provide a powerful client side experience. The front end is done completely in ember, including url routing. Rails handles the asset compilation and serving up data to the ember app via a json api. Advanced BDD and TDD test tools such as (future) Cucumber and (presently) Jasmine are used to drive out the functionality.

What Does this Web Application Do?

Yourjargon provides the ability to create a private dictionary for an organization to store their own "jargon" into. Check out our applications seed data for some great examples pulled from a stackoverflow thread on programming jargon:

In addition, it shows off the features of EmberJS for a small application that developers learning EmberJS can easily digest:

  • Bindings
  • Observers
  • Computed Properties
  • Use of Ember-Data's RESTAdapter
  • Rails application w/ active-model-serializer gem in coordination w/ ember-data
  • Use of Twitter Bootstrap


See the wiki to get your machine setup:


  • Ruby 1.9.x
  • Phantomjs (for running tests)


  • git clone [email protected]:OC-Emberjs/yourjargon.git
  • cd yourjargon
  • bundle install
  • rake db:migrate

Running Rails Tests


Starting Rails

rails s

Running the Web Application

Go to your browser at localhost:3000: Browse


Running the Tests

In console at your project home directory:

rake konacha:serve

Then browse localhost:3500

Observe the test report. NOTE: this is set up so that every time you save a javascript file, all the client tests are run again.

Updating dependencies

Using the ember-rails gem you can pull ember & ember-data to the latest w/ this command:

rails generate ember:install --head


We'd love contributions. Submit a pull request by following the instructions below!

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


A private glossary for your organization's jargon






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Contributors 4
