Updated beta releases to stable.
This includes features for seo friendly filter urls. In magento one can now configure a filter url strategy, options are:
- query params: this is the default setting and corresponds to the current filter urls, nothing should change
- path strategy: filter urls will be https://site.com/category/filter1name/filter1value/filter2name/filter2value .... meaning that your filtered pages have a more "friendly" url.
This should work out of the box but do test before deploying this version to a production environment. The strategy option can be configured under system > config > tweakwise > navigation
Since this release has a lot of modified / refactored code it is inevitable that there are BC breaks, again do test your local overrides / templates.
Included feature for alternative filter sorting. This applies to filter having a show more and show less link. One can apply a sorting for the filters which are shown when the "show more" link has not been used (these are commonly the most popular filters) and an alternative sorting for when show more link has been used. This can be configured in the navigator.