Enzyme v0.12.33
Merged pull requests:
- Fix cpu features (#1744) (@wsmoses)
- Try diferent name for gpu exception (#1746) (@wsmoses)
- Handle const addr casts (#1752) (@wsmoses)
- Clarify use cases for DuplicatedNoNeed (#1753) (@danielwe)
- Fix multidim solve (#1754) (@wsmoses)
- Type unstable custom rule tape (#1755) (@wsmoses)
Closed issues:
- EnzymeVJP failed when training Neural ODE with DiscreteCallback (#1743)
- CUDA.jl CI broken again because of Enzyme (#1745)
- 'sensealg=InterpolatingAdjoint(autojacvec=EnzymeVJP(), checkpointing=true) ' failed (#1749)
- left division with two matrices (#1750)
- Mixed activity error for 2nd order diff of fused broadcast into preallocated array (#1751)