The running app can be found here.
1 - Practice front end web development.
2 - Practice FluentUI.
3 - Practice one SPA framework;
4 - Introduce few extra features as the time goes by;
5 - Add deployment variations (Blazor and Blazor WASM)
6 - Try bringing to mobile using Xamarin?
- 🎨 Create initial design using FluentUI
- ❤️ Create blazor application UI
- 🔒 Create MS authentication logic
- 🔒 Fix authentication redirection
- 💖 Improve how stacked events look up in the calendar td
- Improve alignment of the calendar table and td
- Break all ui logic in separated components
- 👌 Move all C# logic to separated source codes
- Unit tests and refactor all logic of AddEvent comp
- Unit tests and refactor all logic of Event list comp
- Unit tests and refactor all logic of Calendar comp
- 🚀 Host the blazor wasm as a static site on
githubAzure Static Websites - AddEvent component is floating over the calendar
- Add more animations to the calendar components
- Events won't be saved if the user don't select a day
- Add how many events are available when resizing the screen for mobo aps
- Make the amount of text vary when showing the events as labels
- Add notification when an event is added
- Add notification when an event is starting
- Fix the login and logout redirects
- Add some sort of webhook when events are added on Windows
- Add pub to keep multiple tabs up to date
The project was created following this youtube tutorial series. His full source code (differs from my repo) is available here.