Launch a fully-featured virtual TDP Hadoop cluster with a single command or customize the infrastructure and components of your cluster with 1 command per component.
- Ansible >= 2.9.6 (to execute the playbooks)
- Vagrant >= 2.2.19 (to launch and manage the VMs)
- VirtualBox >= 6.1.26
- The Python package
(an Ansible dependency for JSON parsing/querying) - Unzip (to execute the setup scripts)
required to execute helper script
The below steps will deploy a TDP cluster using the parameters in the inventory
The Ansible host
file and the Vagrantfile
will both be generated using the hosts
variable in inventory/all.yml
# Clone project from version control
git clone
# Move into project dir
cd tdp-getting-started
# Setup local env with stable tdp-collections
./scripts/ -r stable
# Generate Vagrantfile and ansible hosts file from inventory
ansible-playbook generate-node-deployment-config.yml
# Install centos/7 vagrant box
vagrant box add centos/7 --provider virtualbox
# Deploy TDP cluster
ansible-playbook deploy-all.yml
- HDFS NN Master 01
- HDFS NN Master 02
- YARN RM Master 01
- YARN RM Master 02
- MapReduce Job History Server
- HBase Master 01
- HBase Master 02
- Spark History Server
- Spark3 History Server
- Ranger Admin
Note: All the WebUIs are Kerberized, you need to have a working Kerberos client on your host, configure the KDC in your /etc/krb5.conf
file and obtain a valid ticket. You can also access the WebUIs through Knox.
Each of the below sections includes a high-level explanation of each possible step of TDP deployment.
Execute the
script to create the project directories needed and clone the latest ansible TDP roles. It also downloads the TDP binaries from their GitHub releases (e.g., Hadoop).
Note: The list of TDP binaries needed for deployment is maintained in the scripts/tdp-release-uris.txt
ansible-playbook generate-node-deployment-config.yml
This playbook will generate the Vagrantfile
and the inventory/hosts
- Update the machine resources assigned to the VMs in the
according to your machine's RAM and core count (3Gb of RAM and 4 cores is ideal for the master nodes).
Note: The
script can generate the list of hosts in the cluster. Add the generated lines to your /etc/hosts
file to resolve the local nodes from your shell or browser.
./scripts/ -h
ansible-playbook deploy-all.yml
This playbook deploys the following services: a CA, an LDAP, a KDC, PostgreSQL, ZooKeeper, Hadoop core (HDFS, YARN, MapReduce), Ranger, Hive, Spark (2 and 3), HBase and Knox.
The first action in deploy-all.yml
is to run the
script which spawns and configures a set of 7 virtual machines at static IPs described in the inventory/hosts
Check the status of the created VMs with the command vagrant status
, and ssh to them with the command vagrant ssh <target-ansible-host>
It is optionally possible to generate a new ssh key pair and deploy the public key to each host, though vagrant ssh <ansible-host>
works just fine in the context of this getting-started cluster. Use the below command to generate SSH keys and deploy them throughout the cluster:
ansible-playbook deploy-ssh-key.yml
Creates a certificate authority at the [ca]
Ansible group and distributes signed certificates and keys to each VM.
ansible-playbook deploy-ca.yml
The certificates will also be downloaded to the files/certs
local project folder.
Launches a KDC on the [kdc]
group hosts, launches an LDAP on the [ldap]
group hosts and installs Kerberos clients on each of the VMs.
ansible-playbook deploy-ldap-kerberos.yml
After this, you can log in as the Kerberos admin from any VM with the command kinit admin/admin
and the password admin
Deploys Apache ZooKeeper to the [zk]
Ansible group and starts a 3 node Zookeeper Quorum.
ansible-playbook deploy-zookeeper.yml
Run echo stat | nc localhost 2181
from any node in the [zk]
group to see its ZooKeeper status.
Launches HDFS, YARN, and deploys MapReduce clients.
ansible-playbook deploy-hadoop.yml
The following code snippets demonstrate that:
- From
kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/nn.service.keytab nn/[email protected]
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/tdp_user
hdfs dfs -chown -R tdp_user:tdp_user /user/tdp_user
can access and write to its HDFS user directory:- From
sudo su tdp_user kinit -kt ~/tdp_user.keytab [email protected] echo "This is the first line." | hdfs dfs -put - /user/tdp_user/testFile echo "This is the second (appended) line." | hdfs dfs -appendToFile - /user/tdp_user/testFile hdfs dfs -cat /user/tdp_user/testFile
- From
That writes using the
can be read frommaster-01.tdp
:- From
sudo su tdp_user kinit -kt ~/tdp_user.keytab [email protected] hdfs dfs -cat /user/tdp_user/testFile
- From
Deploys PostgreSQL instance to [postgres]
Ansible group. Listens for requests from all IPs but only trusts those specified in the /etc/hosts
The DBA user postgres
is created with the password postgres
ansible-playbook deploy-postgres.yml
Creates a suitably configured PostgreSQL database to the [postgresql]
Ansible group, then deploys Ranger to the [ranger_admin]
Ansible group.
Note that any changes to the [ranger_admin]
hosts should also be reflected in the [hadoop client group
ansible-playbook deploy-ranger.yml
The Ranger UI can be accessed at the address https://<master-02.tdp ip>:6182/login.jsp
and the user admin
and password RangerAdmin123
(assuming default ranger_admin_password
parameter). You may need to import the root.pem
certificate authority into your browser or accept the SSL exception.
Deploys Hive to the [hive_s2]
Ansible group. HDFS filesystem is created and the service is launched.
ansible-playbook deploy-hive.yml
Execute the following code blocks to execute some hive queries using beeline:
The following code snippets:
Create an HDFS user directory for
(this block is is the same as in the deploy HDFS example above):- From
sudo su kinit -kt /etc/security/keytabs/nn.service.keytab nn/[email protected] hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/tdp_user hdfs dfs -chown -R tdp_user /user/tdp_user
- From
Authenticate as
from one of thehive_s2
nodes and enter the Beeline client interface:- From
sudo su tdp_user kinit -kt ~/tdp_user.keytab [email protected] export hive_truststore_password=Truststore123! # Either via ZooKeeper /opt/tdp/hive/bin/hive --config /etc/hive/conf --service beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://master-01.tdp:2181,master-02.tdp:2181,master-03.tdp:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2;sslTrustStore=/etc/ssl/certs/truststore.jks;trustStorePassword=${hive_truststore_password}" # Or directly to a HiveServer2 /opt/tdp/hive/bin/hive --config /etc/hive/conf --service beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://master-03.tdp:10001/;principal=hive/[email protected];transportMode=http;httpPath=cliservice;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/etc/ssl/certs/truststore.jks;trustStorePassword=${hive_truststore_password}" # You can also use `beeline_auto` which is a preconfigured Beeline command to connect via ZooKeeper beeline_auto
- From
Note that all necessary Ranger policies have been deployed automatically as part of the deploy-hive.yml
From the Beeline client, execute the following code blocks to interact with Hive:
# Create the database
USE tdp_user_db;
# Examine the database
# Modify the database
col1 INT COMMENT 'Integer Column',
col2 STRING COMMENT 'String Column'
# Examine the database
# Modify the database table
INSERT INTO TABLE table1 VALUES (1, 'one'), (2, 'two');
# Examine the database table
SELECT * FROM table1;
Deploys spark installations to the [spark_hs]
and the [spark_client]
Ansible group.
ansible-playbook deploy-spark.yml
Execute the following command from any node in the [spark_client]
Ansible group to spark-submit
an example jar from the Spark installation:
- From
su tdp_user
kinit -kt ~/tdp_user.keytab [email protected]
# Run a spark application locally
spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi --master local[4] /opt/tdp/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples_2.11-2.3.5-TDP-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 100
# Or spark-submit a spark application to yarn
spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi --master yarn /opt/tdp/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples_2.11-2.3.5-TDP-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 100
Note: Other spark interfaces are also found in the /opt/tdp/spark/bin
directory, such as pyspark
, spark-shell
, spark-sql
, sparkR
Deploys spark3 installations to the [spark3_hs]
and the [spark3_client]
Ansible group.
ansible-playbook deploy-spark3.yml
Spark 3 is installed alongside Spark 2 and can be used exactly the same way. The Spark 3 CLIs are: spark3-submit
, spark3-shell
, spark3-sql
, pyspark3
Deploys HBase masters, regionservers, rest and clients to the [hbase_master]
, [hbase_rs]
, [hbase_rest]
and [hbase_client]
Ansible groups respectively.
ansible-playbook deploy-hbase.yml
As tdp_user
on an [hbase_client]
host, obtain a Kerberos TGT with the command kinit -kt ~/tdp_user.keytab [email protected]
and access the HBase shell with the command /opt/tdp/hbase/bin/hbase --config /etc/hbase/conf shell
Commands such as the below can be used to test your HBase deployment:
create 'testTable', 'cf'
put 'testTable', 'row1', 'cf:testColumn', 'testValue'
disable 'testTable'
drop 'testTable'
Deploys Knox Gateway on the [knox]
Ansible group:
ansible-playbook deploy-knox.yml
You can then access the WebUIs of the TDP services through Knox:
- MapReduce Job History Server
- HBase Master
- Spark History Server
- Spark3 History Server
- Ranger Admin
Note: You can login to Knox using the tdp_user
that is created in the next step.
Deploys Livy Server on the [livy_server]
group hosts:
ansible-playbook deploy-livy.yml
The Livy Server can be accessed at https://edge-01.tdp:8998 After deployment, one can create a Spark session and interact with it through cURL:
# From edge-01.tdp
sudo su tdp_user
kinit -kt ~/tdp_user.keytab [email protected]
# Create a session
curl -k -u : --negotiate -X POST https://edge-01.tdp:8998/sessions \
-d '{"kind": "pyspark"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
# Get the session status (wait until it is "idle")
curl -k -u : --negotiate -X GET https://edge-01.tdp:8998/sessions
# Submit a snippet of code to the session
curl -k -u : --negotiate -X POST https://edge-01.tdp:8998/sessions/0/statements \
-d '{"code": "1 + 1"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
# Get the statement result
curl -k -u : --negotiate -X GET https://edge-01.tdp:8998/sessions/0/statements/0
Another Livy server is deployed for Spark 3 on the [livy-spark3_server]
group hosts:
ansible-playbook deploy-livy-spark3.yml
The default port is different than the regular Livy server: 8999
instead of 8998
The below command creates:
- Unix users
on each node of the cluster - A Kerberos principal named
with keytabs at/home/<user>/.ssh/<user>.kerberos.keytab
- All users are added to the users' group
- Users with
in the name will also be added to the grouptdp-admin
ansible-playbook deploy-users.yml
Additional users can be added to the Ansible playbook parameter users
in the deploy-users.yml
if required.
As the getting started cluster is entirely virtual, when you switch off your computer the VMs will also turn off. To simplify getting your cluster up and running after booting up, the following command will launch a playbook that auto starts the necessary services to run the getting started cluster services:
ansible-playbook deploy-service-start-on-boot-policies.yml