PTOIE-Dep is an Open Information Extractor for Portuguese language that employs Dependence Parser and Part of Speech Tagger models with Stanford CoreNLP.
- PTOIE-Dep source code is in Python.
- Dependence Parser and Part of Speech Tagger models trained with Stanford CoreNLP.
To run the PTOIE-Dep
PTOIE-Dep is independent of dependency parser, so it can receive annotated sentences with other dependency parsers, as long as they are in ConLL-U format with the same tagsets of [the Google treebank Treebanks Universal V2,1](
To run PTOIE-Dep from a dependency tree in ConLL-U format
py ...
## Contributing
[Please use the GitHub issue tracker](
## Authors
* Rafael Glauber
* [Daniela Barreiro Claro](
## How to cite
If you find this repo helpful, please consider citing:
@Article{Glauber2022, author={xxx xxx}, title={xxxx}, journal={dddd}, year={xxx}, month={x}, day={cc}, issn={xxx}, doi={xxxxx}, url={asas} }