DSGE v1.2.0
Version Restrictions
- Minimum CSV version is v0.8
- Minimum ModelConstructors version is v0.2.4
New features and enhancements
- Functions for calculating k-period ahead expectations and sums for measurement equation
- Time-varying information sets for regime-switching
- Time-varying imperfect awareness/credibility
- Ability to use temporary policies during history (previously only available as alternative policy during forecast)
- Refactor alternative policy code to use regime-switching
- Regime-switching allowed during forecast for shock decompositions, deterministic trends, and trends
- Regime-switching estimation of DSGE models using MH and SMC
Bug fixes and cleanup
- Fix error in calculating the diagonal of the Hessian with parallel workers
- Update tests to handle seed changes in Julia 1.5
- Convert missing values to NaNs when calculating means and bands
- Fix accidental assumption that all fixed parameters occur at the end of the parameter vector in Metropolis-Hastings
- Fix incorrect parameter blocking in Metropolis-Hastings
- Refactor regime-switching code to make it easier to use and maintain
- Update syntax for HDF5 deprecations
Closed issues:
- test DSGE fails (#72)
- Installation on Julia >= v1.1 broken on Windows (#100)
- Missing website (#101)
- Getting "Killed" message after forecasting completes (#108)
- init_parameters! not working (#115)
- metropolis_hastings() running too slow (#117)
- metropolis-hastings draws fixed at the mode for some free parameters (#118)
- Eval can be replaced by getfield in smooth (#120)
Merged pull requests:
- diagm needs an AbstractVector and hcat makes a Matrix (#31) (@fratrik)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "DataStructures" to "0.18" (#102) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "JLD2" to "0.2" (#103) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "GR" to "0.52" (#104) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Optim" to "1.0" (#105) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "HDF5" to "0.14" (#111) (@github-actions[bot])