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Simulasi Algoritma Penjadwalan


Berikut merupakan konsep dasar membuat simulasi algoritma penjadwalan

Scheduling Algorithm:

  1. FCFS (First Come First Served) => diproses berdasarkan waktu kedatangan / arrive time
  2. SJF (Shortest Job First) => diproses berdasarkan waktu pemrosesan / burst time
  3. SRT (Shortest Remaining Time) => diproses berdasarkan sisa waktu pemrosesan / burst time remaining
  4. Priority Non-Preemptive => diproses berdasarkan priority
  5. Priority Preemptive => diproses berdasarkan priority
  6. RR (Round Robin) => waktu pemrosesan berdasarkan quantum


  • Process name: string
  • arrive time: int
  • Burst time: int
  • priority: int (Priority Scheduling)
  • quantum: int (RR)

Test Case:

input test case dengan data file .txt, contoh format data:

#Name #ArriveT #BurstT #Priority
P0 0 12 3
P1 19 6 4
P2 13 9 4
P3 4 1 5
P4 8 6 2
P5 8 2 6
P6 10 10 1
2 #quantum


in the table:

  • start time => waktu mulai ketika dieksekusi oleh CPU
  • finish time => waktu selesai dieksekusi
  • turnaround time => waktu dari datang sampai selesai dieksekusi
    turnaround time = finish time - arrive time
  • waiting time => waktu tunggu saat sedang tidak dieksekusi
    waiting time = turnaround time - burst time
  • response time => waktu dari datang sampai dieksekusi
    response time = start time - Arrival time

off table:

  • throughput =>
    throughput = total time / n process
  • average start time =>
    average start time = sum start time / n process
  • average turnaround time =>
    average turnaround time = sum turnaround time / n process
  • average waiting time =>
    average waiting time = sum waiting time / n process
  • average response time =>
    average response time = sum response time / n process

note: total time => total waktu eksekusi semua proses, n proses => jumlah proses yang dieksekusi

  • gantt chart, ex:
 ________ __ __________ ______________ ______ ____
0        4  5         10             17     20   22


  1. input data
  2. process algorithm, choice (5 scheduling algorithm)
  3. output fitur, tiap algoritma menampilkan informasi output berupa fitur in table, fitur off table, dan gantt chart note: bahasa python

Design Program

Desain program dibuat dalam bentuk OOP (Object Oriented Programing) menggunakan bahasa python. Model ini terdiri dari beberapa kelas:

  1. Process => Kelas ini digunakan untuk menampung atibut input proses dan fitur-fitur yang sudah dihitung
  2. ProcessState =>
  3. SchedulingAlgorithms => kelas ini digunakan untuk menampung proses dengan perhitungannya yang dibuat dalam method
  4. FCFS =>
  5. SJF =>
  6. SRT =>
  7. Priority =>
  8. PriorityPreemptive =>
  9. RR =>
  10. Table =>

selain itu juga dibuat fungsi untuk print fitur in table dan off table juga gantt chartnya disimpan dalam file

Class Diagram

Alt text

Penjelasan Inheritance dan Composite


  • FCFS is a SchedulingAlgorithms
  • SJF is a SchedulingAlgorithms
  • SRT is a SchedulingAlgorithms
  • Priority is a SchedulingAlgorithms
  • PriorityPreemptive is a SchedulingAlgorithms
  • RR is a SchedulingAlgorithms


  • SchedulingAlgorithms has a Process

Alur Program / Simulasi

program di running dalam command promt atau powershell dengan meng-execute

----------------------------------- Simulation Scheduling Algorithm -----------------------------------

Select input proses:
1. Manual
2. Import test case
0. Exit
Enter number:

jika memilih 1

Enter how many process: 1
Enter Arrive Time: 0
Enter Burst Time : 1

jika memilih 2

Select file .txt:
1. test-case\data.txt
2. test-case\data2.txt
3. test-case\data3.txt
4. test-case\data4.txt
5. test-case\dontUse.txt
Warning! Pastikan data sesuai dengan format
Enter number:
Input Process:

| Name | Arrive_T | Burst_T | Priority |
|  P0  |    4     |    7    |    3     |
|  P1  |    0     |    7    |    4     |
|  P2  |    2     |    2    |    2     |
|  P3  |    7     |    4    |    1     |
|  P4  |    4     |    1    |    5     |
|  P5  |    8     |    3    |    2     |
|  P6  |    1     |    5    |    8     |
Scheduling Algorithms:
1. FCFS (First Come First Served)
2. SJF (Shortest Job First)
3. SRT (Shortest Remaining Time)
4. Priority Scheduling (Non-Preemptive)
5. Priority Scheduling (Preemptive)
6. RR (Round Robin)
0. Exit
Enter number:
----------------------------------- FCFS (First Come First Served) -----------------------------------

| Name | Arrive_T | Burst_T | Priority | Start_T | Finish_T | Turnaround_T | Waiting_T | Response_T |
|  P1  |    0     |    7    |    4     |    0    |    7     |      7       |     0     |     0      |
|  P6  |    1     |    5    |    8     |    7    |    12    |      11      |     6     |     6      |
|  P2  |    2     |    2    |    2     |   12    |    14    |      12      |    10     |     10     |
|  P0  |    4     |    7    |    3     |   14    |    21    |      17      |    10     |     10     |
|  P4  |    4     |    1    |    5     |   21    |    22    |      18      |    17     |     17     |
|  P3  |    7     |    4    |    1     |   22    |    26    |      19      |    15     |     15     |
|  P5  |    8     |    3    |    2     |   26    |    29    |      21      |    18     |     18     |

Average Start Time        : 14.57
Average Turnaround Time   : 15.00
Average Waiting Time      : 10.86
Average Response Time     : 10.86
Throughput                : 4.14 second

Gantt Chart:
 ______________ __________ ____ ______________ __ ________ ______
0              7         12   14             21 22       26     29



FCFS Alt text SJF Alt text SRT Alt text Priority Non-Preemptive Alt text Priority Preemptive Alt text RR Alt text