Promise-based node package to determine if a date is a working day in the UK, based on being a weekday, and not a bank holiday, according to the UK government website.
fn([string isoDate]|[Date date], [boolean offline])
- Takes an optional Date object or a string in the format YYYY-mm-DD. Default: today
- Takes an optional boolean whether to work offline. Default: true (using a local copy of the GOV.UK bank holiday API response)
Use with no params for today
const isWorkingDay = require('workingday-uk')
.then(iwd => {
console.log('Today is a working day? ' + iwd)
Use with a date
const isWorkingDay = require('workingday-uk')
const dateToCheck = new Date(2000, 0, 1) //1st Jan 2000
.then(iwd => {
console.log(iwd) //False
Use with a date string of YYYY-MM-DD
const isWorkingDay = require('workingday-uk')
const dateToCheck = '2019-12-24'
.then(iwd => {
console.log(iwd) //True - Tuesday, and not a bank holiday
Check online for today
const isWorkingDay = require('workingday-uk')
.then(iwd => {
console.log('Today is a working day? ' + iwd)
Check online for Christmas Day
const isWorkingDay = require('workingday-uk')
const dateToCheck = '2019-12-25'
isWorkingDay(dateToCheck, false)
.then(iwd => {
console.log(iwd) //False