[An attempt at] A remoteStorage web server written in rust.
(TODO: tag frameworks used).
cargo clean && cargo build
cargo run
The server will be listening on:
Make a request via curl to test:
curl -XGET ''
HTTP Repsonse Body: Hello, from CrateRs!
To build:
cargo clean && docker build --tag=crate-rs:latest -f Dockerfile
To run:
docker run -it --rm -p 8000:8000 -e ROCKET_PROFILE='docker' crate-rs
curl -I ''
Reponse: TBD
curl -XGET ''
Reponse: TBD
curl -XPUT ''
Reponse: HTTP 201 File created!
curl -XPUT ''
Reponse: HTTP 400 - The specified path is a directory! Unable to proceed.
curl -XDELETE ''
Reponse: HTTP 200 File deleted!
curl -XDELETE ''
Reponse: HTTP 400 - The specified path is a directory! Unable to proceed.