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Lambda Module

This module will build and configure a Lambda function

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Table of Contents

Example Usage

Basic Usage

module "lambda_basic_usage" {
  source = ""

  name    = "lambda-demo"
  handler = "lambda_function.lambda_handler"
  runtime = "python3.12"

  code_source = {
    s3 = {
      uri = "s3://lambda-code-bucket/demo-application/"

  environment_variables = {
    variables = {
      "VAR_1" = "VALUE_1"
      "VAR_2" = "VALUE_2"

Asynchronous Invocation Configuration

module "lambda_basic_usage" {
  source = ""

  name    = "lambda-demo"
  handler = "lambda_function.lambda_handler"
  runtime = "python3.12"

  code_source = {
    s3 = {
      uri = "s3://lambda-code-bucket/demo-application/"

  asynchronous_invocation = {
    # Records of failed asynchronous invocations will be sent to the "failed-topic" SNS topic
    on_failure_destination_arn = "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:111122223333:failed-topic"

    # Records of succeed asynchronous invocations will be sent to the "success-topic" SNS topic
    on_success_destination_arn = "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:111122223333:success-topic"

Enhanced Monitoring

The following example demonstrates how to enable Lambda enhanced monitoring. This feature requires the LambdaInsightsExtension, you can get a list of available versions from here.

module "lambda_enhanced_monitoring" {
  source = ""

  name    = "lambda-demo"
  handler = "lambda_function.lambda_handler"
  runtime = "python3.12"

  code_source = {
    s3 = {
      uri = "s3://lambda-code-bucket/demo-application/"

  # enhanced monitoring requires additional IAM permission
  additional_execution_role_policies = [ "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/CloudWatchLambdaInsightsExecutionRolePolicy" ]

  # enhanced monitoring also requires the following Lambda layer to be attached
  layer_arns = [ "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:580247275435:layer:LambdaInsightsExtension:38" ]

Lambda Permission

module "lambda_permission" {
  source = ""

  name    = "lambda-demo"
  handler = "lambda_function.lambda_handler"
  runtime = "python3.12"

  code_source = {
    s3 = {
      uri = "s3://lambda-code-bucket/demo-application/"

  # Configures multiple Lambda permissions
  lambda_permissions = {
    # The keys of the map will be the Statement ID
    # Allow an S3 bucket (demo-bucket) to invoke this Lambda function
    "Allow_S3_demo-bucket" = {
      policy_type = "aws_service"
      principal   = ""
      source_arn  = "arn:aws:s3:::demo-bucket"

    # Allow all principals from an AWS account (111122223333) to invoke this Lambda function via the function URL
    "Allow_account_111122223333_to_call_function_url" = {
      policy_type = "function_url"
      principal   = "111122223333"

    # Allow all principals within an AWS organization (o-a1b2c3d4e5f) to invoke this Lambda function
    "Allow_all_aws_accounts_from_organization_o-a1b2c3d4e5f" = {
      policy_type               = "aws_account"
      principal                 = "*"
      principal_organization_id = "o-a1b2c3d4e5f"

    # Allow a single user to invoke this Lambda function
    "Allow_aws_account_psin" = {
      policy_type = "aws_account"
      principal   = "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/psin"

Provisioned Concurrency

module "lambda_provisioned_concurrency" {
  source = ""

  name                   = "lambda-demo"
  handler                = "lambda_function.lambda_handler"
  runtime                = "python3.12"
  publish_as_new_version = true

  code_source = {
    s3 = {
      uri = "s3://lambda-code-bucket/demo-application/"

  aliases = {
    "staging" = {
      function_version = "2"

  concurrency = {
    provisioned_concurrencies = {
      # The key of the map is the qualifier of the function to provision concurrency
      # It can be a function version or an alias

      "3"       = 100 # provisioning 100 concurreny units to function version 3
      "staging" = 10  # provisioning 10 concurreny units to alias staging

Versioning and Aliases

module "lambda_versioning" {
  source = ""

  name    = "lambda-demo"
  handler = "lambda_function.lambda_handler"
  runtime = "python3.12"

  code_source = {
    s3 = {
      uri = "s3://lambda-code-bucket/demo-application/"

  # This will create a new Lambda version
  publish_as_new_version = true

  aliases = {
    # The keys of the map will be the alias' name
    "staging" = {
      function_version = "2"
    "canary-release-v3" = {
      function_version = "2"
      description      = "Canary deployment to V3, monitor for 24 hours"

      weighted_alias = {
        function_version = "3"
        weight           = 20 # routes 20% of total traffics to v3

Argument Reference


  • (object) code_source [since v1.0.0]

    Specify the code source. Exactly one of container_image_uri, filename, or s3 must be specified

    • (string) container_image_url = null [since v1.0.0]

      Specify the Amazon ECR image URI of the container image to use for this function

    • (string) filename = null [since v1.0.0]

      Path to the function's deployment package within the local filesystem

    • (object) s3 = null [since v1.0.0]

      S3 bucket location containing the function's deployment package. This bucket must reside in the same AWS region where you are creating the Lambda function

      • (string) uri [since v1.0.0]

        Specify the S3 URI of the deployment package to use for this function. See example

      • (string) version = null [since v1.0.0]

        Object version containing the function's deployment package

  • (string) name [since v1.0.0]

    The name of the Lambda function. All associated resources' names will also be prefixed by this value


  • (list(string)) additional_execution_role_policies = [] [since v1.0.0]

    Additional IAM policies to be attached to the managed execution IAM role. This is ignored if execution_role_arn is specified

  • (map(string)) additional_tags = {} [since v1.0.0]

    Additional tags for the Lambda function

  • (map(string)) additional_tags_all = {} [since v1.0.0]

    Additional tags for all resources deployed with this module

  • (map(object)) aliases = {} [since v1.0.0]

    Manages multiple Lambda aliases. See example

    • (string) function_version [since v1.0.0]

      Lambda function version for which you are creating the alias

    • (string) description = null [since v1.0.0]

      Description of the alias

    • (object) weighted_alias = null [since v1.0.0]

      Confiugres this alias to send a portion of traffic to a second function version. Used for canary deployment scenarios. Please refer to this documentation for a list of requirements for this feature.

      • (string) function_version [since v1.0.0]

        The second function version to route portion of the traffic to

      • (number) weight [since v1.0.0]

        The weight, in percentage, of the total traffic routed to the second function version

  • (string) architecture = "x86_64" [since v1.0.0]

    Specify the instruction set architecture for this Lambda function. Valid values are "x86_64", "arm64"

  • (object) asynchronous_invocation = null [since v1.0.0]

    Configures error handling and destinations for asynchronous invocation. See example

    • (string) on_failure_destination_arn = null [since v1.0.0]

      Specify the ARN of the destination for failed asynchronous invocations. This ARN must be one of the following resources: SNS, SQS, Lambda, or an EventBus. The required IAM policies will be automatically generated if execution_role_arn is not specified, otherwise, please make sure the execution role you provided has the proper permissions.

    • (string) on_success_destination_arn = null [since v1.0.0]

      Specify the ARN of the destination for successful asynchronous invocations. This ARN must be one of the following resources: SNS, SQS, Lambda, or an EventBus. The required IAM policies will be automatically generated if execution_role_arn is not specified, otherwise, please make sure the execution role you provided has the proper permissions.

    • (object) retries = null [since v1.0.0]

      Configures error handlings

      • (number) maximum_event_age_in_seconds = 21600 [since v1.0.0]

        The maximum amount of time Lambda retains an event in the asynchronous event queue, up to 6 hours

      • (number) maximum_retry_attempts = 2 [since v1.0.0]

        The number of times Lambda retries when the function returns an error, between 0 and 2

  • (object) container_image_overrides = null [since v1.0.0]

    Container image configuration values that override the values in the container image Dockerfile. Only applicable if code_source.container_image_uri is specified

    • (string) cmd = null [since v1.0.0]

      Specifies parameters that you want to pass in with ENTRYPOINT

    • (string) entrypoint = null [since v1.0.0]

      Specifies the absolute path to the entry point of the application

    • (string) workdir = null [since v1.0.0]

      Specifies the absolute path to the working directory

  • (object) concurrency = null [since v1.0.0]

    Configures Lambda concurrency

    • (number) reserved_concurrency = -1 [since v1.0.0]

      Specify the maximum number of concurrent instances allocated to the function. A value of 0 disables lambda from being triggered and -1 removes any concurrency limitations

    • (map(number)) provisioned_concurrencies = {} [since v1.0.0]

      Map of provisioned concurrencies assigned to Lambda qualifiers. See example

  • (string) description = null [since v1.0.0]

    The description for this Lambda function

  • (object) enable_active_tracing = null [since v1.0.0]

    Enables Lambda active tracing with AWS X-Ray

    • (string) mode = "Active" [since v1.0.0]

      Specifies the tracing mode. Valid values are: "PassThrough", "Active". If "PassThrough", Lambda will only trace the request from an upstream service if it contains a tracing header with "sampled=1". If "Active", Lambda will respect any tracing header it receives from an upstream service. If no tracing header is received, Lambda will call X-Ray for a tracing decision

  • (object) enable_function_url = null [since v1.0.0]

    Enables Lambda function URL, a dedicated HTTP(S) endpoint for the function

    • (string) auth_type = "AWS_IAM" [since v1.0.0]

      The type of authentication that the function URL uses. Valid values: "AWS_IAM", "NONE" Set to "AWS_IAM" to restrict access to authenticated IAM users only. Set to "NONE" to bypass IAM authentication and create a public endpoint.

    • (string) invoke_mode = "BUFFERED" [since v1.0.0]

      Determines how the Lambda function responds to an invocation. Valid values are: "BUFFERED", "RESPONSE_STREAM"

    • (object) cors_config = null [since v1.0.0]

      Configures the cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) settings for the function URL

      • (bool) allow_credentials = false [since v1.0.0]

        Whether to allow cookies or other credentials in requests to the function URL

      • (list(string)) allow_headers = null [since v1.0.0]

        The HTTP headers that origins can include in requests to the function URL. For example: ["date", "keep-alive", "x-custom-header"]

      • (list(string)) allow_methods = ["*"] [since v1.0.0]

        The HTTP methods that are allowed when calling the function URL. For example: ["GET", "POST", "DELETE"]

      • (list(string)) allow_origins = ["*"] [since v1.0.0]

        The origins that can access the function URL. For example: ["", "http://localhost:60905"]

      • (list(string)) expose_headers = null [since v1.0.0]

        The HTTP headers in your function response that you want to expose to origins that call the function URL

      • (number) max_age_seconds = 0 [since v1.0.0]

        The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that web browsers can cache results of a preflight request. Valid values: 0 - 86400

  • (object) environment_variables = null [since v1.0.0]

    Configures environment variables for the function

    • (map(string)) variables [since v1.0.0]

      A map of environment variables to pass to the function

    • (string) kms_key_arn = null [since v1.0.0]

      Specify the ARN of the KMS key that is used to encrypt environment variables. If this configuration is not provided when environment variables are in use, AWS Lambda uses a default service key

  • (number) ephemeral_storage = 512 [since v1.0.0]

    The size of the Lambda function Ephemeral storage(/tmp) in MB. Valid values: 512 - 10240

  • (string) execution_role_arn = null [since v1.0.0]

    Specify the ARN of the function's execution role. The role provides the function's identity and access to AWS services and resources. If not specified, a role will be generated and managed automatically by the module.

  • (object) file_system_config = null [since v1.0.0]

    Connects the function to an EFS file system

    • (string) access_point_arn [since v1.0.0]

      ARN of the Amazon EFS Access Point that provides access to the file system

    • (string) local_mount_path [since v1.0.0]

      Path where the function can access the file system, Must starts with "/mnt/"

  • (string) handler = null [since v1.0.0]

    Specify the function entrypoint in your code

  • (map(object)) lambda_permissions = {} [since v1.0.0]

    Grants external sources such as AWS accounts and services permission to invoke the Lambda function. See example

    • (string) policy_type [since v1.0.0]

      The external source this policy is configured for. Valid values: "aws_account", "aws_service", "function_url"

    • (string) principal [since v1.0.0]

      Specify the principal who is getting this permission. If policy_type = "aws_service", you must specify an AWS service URL such as "". Otherwise, you can specify an AWS account ID such as "111122223333" or an IAM user ARN.

    • (string) action = null [since v1.0.0]

      The AWS Lambda action you want to allow in this statement. Defaults to "lambda:InvokeFunctionUrl" if policy_type = "function_url", and "lambda:InvokeFunction" otherwise.

    • (string) event_source_token = null [since v1.0.0]

      The Event Source Token to validate. Valid only with an Alexa Skill principal.

    • (string) function_url_auth_type = null [since v1.0.0]

      Lambda Function URLs authentication type. Valid values: "AWS_IAM", "NONE". Only supported for policy_type = "function_url" and action = "lambda:InvokeFunctionUrl"

    • (string) principal_organization_id = null [since v1.0.0]

      The ID of an organization in AWS Organizations. Use this to grant permissions to only the AWS accounts under this organization.

    • (string) source_account_id = null [since v1.0.0]

      The AWS account ID of the source owner. Used to grant permissions to an AWS service outside of this function's account, such as an S3 bucket. Only valid if policy_type = "aws_service"

    • (string) source_arn = null [since v1.0.0]

      The ARN of the specific resource within that service to grant permission to, such as an S3 bucket ARN. Only valid if policy_type = "aws_service"

  • (list(string)) layer_arns = [] [since v1.0.0]

    List of Lambda Layer Version ARNs (maximum of 5) to attach to your Lambda Function

  • (number) memory = 128 [since v1.0.0]

    Amount of memory in MB your Lambda Function can use at runtime. Valid values: 128 - 10240

  • (bool) publish_as_new_version = false [since v1.0.0]

    Whether to publish creation/change as new Lambda Function Version

  • (string) runtime = null [since v1.0.0]

    Specify the language runtime. Please refer to this documentation for a list of valid values.

  • (string) source_code_hash = null [since v1.0.0]

    Used to trigger updates. Must be set to a base64-encoded SHA256 hash of the deployment package file. The usual way to set this is filebase64sha256(""). Only applicable if code_source.filename or code_source.s3 is specified

  • (number) timeout = 3 [since v1.0.0]

    Specify timeout in seconds for the function, up to 900

  • (object) vpc_config = null [since v1.0.0]

    Configure this function to connect to private subnets in a VPC, allowing it access to private resources. The required IAM policy will be automatically attached to the managed role if execution_role_arn is not specified, otherwise, please make sure the execution role you provided has the IAM policy AWSLambdaENIManagementAccess attached.

    • (list(string)) security_group_ids [since v1.0.0]

      List of security group IDs associated with the ENIs of the Lambda function

    • (list(string)) subnet_ids [since v1.0.0]

      List of subnet IDs associated with the ENIs of the Lambda function

    • (bool) enable_dual_stack = false [since v1.0.0]

      Allows outbound IPv6 traffic on VPC functions that are connected to dual-stack subnets


  • (string) function_arn [since v1.0.0]

    The ARN of the Lambda function

  • (string) function_invoke_arn [since v1.0.0]

    ARN to be used for invoking Lambda Function from API Gateway

  • (string) function_qualified_arn [since v1.0.0]

    ARN identifying the Lambda Function Version

  • (string) function_qualified_invoke_arn [since v1.0.0]

    Qualified ARN (ARN with lambda version number) to be used for invoking Lambda Function from API Gateway

  • (number) function_source_code_size [since v1.0.0]

    Size in bytes of the function's deployment package (.zip file)

  • (object) function_version [since v1.0.0]

    Latest published version of the Lambda Function

  • (object) function_url_endpoint [since v1.0.0]

    The HTTP URL endpoint for the function


Terraform module for AWS Lambda







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