FlowR 1.2.2
Add deep link support:
First, setup the deep link as explained in the documentation.
Then annote your fragment with a @DeepLink
annotation. That value will be the relative path...
public class TestFragment extends Fragment implement FlowrFragment
... or two.
public class TestFragment extends Fragment implement FlowrFragment
You can also insert variable:
public class TestFragment extends Fragment implement FlowrFragment
String url = getArguments().getString(Flowr.DEEP_LINK_URL,"");
String id = getArguments().getString("id","");
To trigger the deep linking handling, simply call open(Intent, Fragment))
.open(getIntent(), HomeFragment.class)
Additionally you can access a Fragment via the link attached to it:
variables work too:
But don't forget to add those lines to your proguard config:
-keep public class * implements com.fueled.flowr.internal.FlowrConfig
-keep public class * implements com.fueled.flowr.internal.FlowrDeepLinkHandler