Godot Plugin for Houdini Vertex Animation Textures
This is port of Houdini VAT3 for Godot, based on Unity And Unreal versions.
It has two parts: modified Houdini Plugin and Godot Shaders
To use it in your project you just need to copy VAT3_GodotEngine folder
Copy driver_labs.vertex_animation_textures.3.1.hdalc to yours HDA folder
First you need to declare type and include library
Available modes:
Then you need to grab the material inputs and apply them on the shader
Vat3_Outputs struct provides some outputs, which then can be used futher in the shader. See examples
More avaible keywords:
VAT_OUTPUT_FULL // gives some additional data for futher use in shader
NO_VAT_NORMAL // disable normals calculations, usefull when used with no shading
NO_VAT_TANGENT // disable tangent calculations, use it when you dont need tangent for normals
VAT_USE_COMPRESSED_NORMALS // use normal from position texture alpha instead of rot textures
NO_LERPING // disables all calculations and variables for interframe lerping
VAT_LOAD_COL_TEX // load vertex color texture
VAT_LOAD_SPARE_COL_TEX // load spare vertex color texture
VAT_SMOOTH_TRAJECTORIES // smoothing rigid body trajectiores, use it when lerping is not enough
For meshes disable any lod, tangent and uvs generation
When importing texture (HDR or LDR) disable any compresion
For convinience you can use vatSetUnifroms for loading data from JSON to material. Rest of setting on material is set up manually.
With modified version you have to change engine for Godot
You will also need a JSON file
You need too change Include type to Decide Individually
When exporting, remember to change extension to gltf It is important since only gltf have proper scale and supports 4 uv channels
It is also good pratice to have the frame count, since JSON does not receive this information
Big shoutout to Celyk for helping with the Quaterions formula, JSON loader, testing, and providing feedback https://github.com/celyk