A daring and creative bot who helps students smoothly hack away at hackathons!
P.S When Aster feels like they're up for a challenge, they go by the name Hacker Ford 😈
- Send announcements and reminders of the mini-events/games and updates on the hacking timeline;
- Booking system for mentoring sessions on discord voice channels;
- Helpful slash commands to get information, help and findout what the next mini-event/game is;
Follow the instructions on discord for more details on bots
Follow instructions on the AWS console guide in the connect section of your EC2 instance
Run the following commands in EC2
// install git // install npm git clone <repo name> cd <git repo name> npm i npm install -g forever forever start --uid hacker-ford index.js forever list forever stop hacker-ford // Restart git pull forever start --uid hacker-ford index.js
Code by the fiery Milindi Kodikara, brainy Sheryl Mantik, curious Jacqueline Ann Lim and fabulous Isaac Chuah Yi Jie;
Image by the fabulous Isaac Chuah Yi Jie;
Concept design by the ever creative Chaamudi Kodikara;