A simple app that displays the YouTube videos that you want to search for, and that is the Demo
- Osama Younis
This website is used for watching yoiutube video,it contains a search box for searching for a specific video and the results will appear bellow.We uses Youtube API , and this is the link https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs . We use search and popular videos result points.
This website is a single webpage,at first you will sea search box and the popular youtube videos below it.when the user search for a specific video, the results will appear and the user can choose whatever he wants.
We divide the project to issues,and assign each issues to the team members ,some issues assigned to pairs ,some to individual and some to all the team to work on together.We divide the project into parts :
- Youtube API part.
- XHR connection part.
- DOM manipulation part.
- User opens the web page , can see a search bar , and bellow it a list of most popular videos.
- User can enter any text in the search box and press enter , a list of relating results will appear below the search bar.
- User will see for each item in the result list :
- Thumbnail for the video
- Video title
- A brief description about the video.
- The youtube channel
- When the user press on the desired video , the video will be maximized ,and the user can watch it.