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☁️ Powerful and unique integration of multiple cloud storage providers for your project, written in Go, currently implemented on Google Storage and AWS S3.


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Go Cloud Storage

Project status Go Report Card Coverage Status Open Source Helpers GoDoc License

The go-cloud-storage project came to make the use of Cloud Storage easier and more flexible, regardless of the provider, just use a simple and intuitive library interface. Below we list some implemented features:

  • Simple bucket creation and deletion regardless of provider.
  • Simple object insertion/update without worrying about conversions or pointers.
  • Ease of obtaining the object with automatic conversion to the type you want.
  • Object listing.
  • Removal of object, multiple objects and prefixes.

Implemented providers:

  • Google Cloud Storage
  • AWS S3


Use go get.

go get

Then import the go-cloud-storage package into your own code.

import ""

Usability and documentation

Let's start by instantiating the go-cloud-storage Interface indicating which provider we will use, see:

NOTE: Each instance follows the standard of the provider's documentation, just follow it.

IMPORTANT: Always check the documentation in the structures and functions fields. For more details on the examples, visit All examples link.

  • Google Storage
package main

import (

func main() {
    cs, err := newInstanceGoogleStorage()
    if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
        logger.Error("error create new instance cloud storage:", err)
    } else {
        logger.Info("cloud storage instance created successfully!")

func newInstanceGoogleStorage() (cstorage.CStorage, error) {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 5*time.Second)
    defer cancel()
    return cstorage.NewGoogleStorage(ctx, option.WithCredentialsFile("firebase-admin-sdk.json"))


[INFO 2024/01/12 08:17:17] main.go:18: cloud storage instance created successfully!
  • AWS S3
package main

import (

func main() {
    cs, err := newInstanceAwsS3Storage()
    if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
        logger.Error("error create new instance cloud storage:", err)
    } else {
        logger.Info("cloud storage instance created successfully!")

func newInstanceAwsS3Storage() (cstorage.CStorage, error) {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 5*time.Second)
    defer cancel()
    cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(ctx)
    if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
        return nil, err
    return cstorage.NewAwsS3Storage(cfg), nil


[INFO 2024/01/12 08:21:44] main.go:18: cloud storage instance created successfully!

With the instance created, we will continue with basic examples:

Create Bucket

Creating a bucket is very simple, see the example below:

package main

import (

const bucketNameDefault = "go-cloud-storage-example"

func main() {
    cs, err := newInstanceGoogleStorage() // or newInstanceAwsS3Storage
    if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
        logger.Error("error create new instance cloud storage:", err)
    defer cs.SimpleDisconnect()
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 5*time.Second)
    defer cancel()
    err = cs.CreateBucket(ctx, cstorage.CreateBucketInput{
        // name of the bucket to be created (required)
        Bucket: bucketNameDefault,
        // project id where the bucket will be created (required only google storage)
        ProjectId: os.Getenv("GOOGLE_STORAGE_PROJECT_ID"),
        // bucket, if empty using default region
        Location: "",
    if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
        logger.Error("error create bucket:", err)
    } else {
        logger.Info("bucket", bucketNameDefault, "created successfully!")


[INFO 2024/01/12 09:18:05] main.go:51: bucket go-cloud-storage-example created successfully!

For more bucket examples, such as multiple creation, access the link.

Remove Bucket

Removing a bucket is very simple, just enter the name of the bucket you want to delete, see the example below:

package main

import (

const bucketNameDefault = "go-cloud-storage-example"

func main() {
    cs, err := newInstanceGoogleStorage() // or newInstanceAwsS3Storage
    if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
        logger.Error("error create new instance cloud storage:", err)
    defer cs.SimpleDisconnect()
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 5*time.Second)
    defer cancel()
    err = cs.DeleteBucket(ctx, bucketNameDefault)
    if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
        logger.Error("error delete bucket:", err)
    } else {
        logger.Info("bucket", bucketNameDefault, "deleted successfully!")


[INFO 2024/01/12 09:22:47] main.go:29: bucket go-cloud-storage-example deleted successfully!

For more bucket examples, such as multiple deletion, access the link.

Put Object

You can put any type of content in the bucket, see the example:

package main

import (

type testStruct struct {
    Name      string    `json:"name,omitempty"`
    BirthDate time.Time `json:"birthDate,omitempty"`
    Balance   float64   `json:"balance"`
    Emails    []string  `json:"emails,omitempty"`

func main() {
    cs, err := newInstanceGoogleStorage() // or newInstanceAwsS3Storage
    if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
        logger.Error("error create new instance cloud storage:", err)
    defer cs.SimpleDisconnect()
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 5*time.Second)
    defer cancel()
    keyObject := "examples/json-example"
    err = cs.PutObject(ctx, cstorage.PutObjectInput{
        // name of the bucket where the object will be created (required)
        Bucket: "go-cloud-storage",
        // key of the object that will be created (required)
        Key: keyObject,
        // type of content of the object that will be created (required)
        MimeType: cstorage.MimeTypeJson,
        // content of the object that will be created (required)
        Content: initTestStruct(),
    if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
        logger.Error("error put object on bucket:", err)
    } else {
        logger.Info("object", keyObject, "putted successfully!")

func initTestStruct() testStruct {
    return testStruct{
        Name:      "Foo Bar",
        BirthDate: time.Now(),
        Balance:   203.12,
        Emails:    []string{"[email protected]", "[email protected]"},


[INFO 2024/01/12 09:38:36] main.go:44: object examples/json-example putted successfully!

For more object examples, such as multiple creation, access link.

Get Object By Key

To obtain a single object, simply pass the name and key of the bucket, to parse the content to the desired type, simply use the ParseContent function of the returned object, see:

package main

import (

type testStruct struct {
    Name      string    `json:"name,omitempty"`
    BirthDate time.Time `json:"birthDate,omitempty"`
    Balance   float64   `json:"balance"`
    Emails    []string  `json:"emails,omitempty"`

func main() {
    cs, err := newInstanceGoogleStorage() // or newInstanceAwsS3Storage
    if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
        logger.Error("error create new instance cloud storage:", err)
    defer cs.SimpleDisconnect()
    keyObject := "examples/json-example"
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 5*time.Second)
    defer cancel()
    obj, err := cs.GetObjectByKey(ctx, "go-cloud-storage", keyObject)
    if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
        logger.Error("error get object by key on bucket:", err)
    } else {
        var dest testStruct
        err = obj.ParseContent(&dest)
        if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
            logger.Error("error parse object content:", err)
        logger.Info("object", keyObject, "obtained successfully! obj:", obj, "content parsed:", dest)

func initTestStruct() testStruct {
    return testStruct{
        Name:      "Foo Bar",
        BirthDate: time.Now(),
        Balance:   203.12,
        Emails:    []string{"[email protected]", "[email protected]"},


[INFO 2024/01/12 09:49:29] main.go:40: object examples/json-example obtained successfully! obj: {"Key":"examples/json-example","Url":"","MimeType":"application/json","Content":[123,34,110,97,109,101,34,58,34,70,111,111,32,66,97,114,34,44,34,98,105,114,116,104,68,97,116,101,34,58,34,50,48,50,52,45,48,49,45,49,50,84,48,57,58,51,56,58,51,54,46,50,51,50,51,52,50,45,48,51,58,48,48,34,44,34,98,97,108,97,110,99,101,34,58,50,48,51,46,49,50,44,34,101,109,97,105,108,115,34,58,91,34,102,111,111,98,97,114,64,103,109,97,105,108,46,99,111,109,34,44,34,102,111,111,98,97,114,50,64,103,109,97,105,108,46,99,111,109,34,93,125],"Size":132,"VersionId":"","LastModifiedAt":"2024-01-12T12:38:37Z"} content parsed: {"name":"Foo Bar","birthDate":"2024-01-12T09:38:36-03:00","balance":203.12,"emails":["[email protected]","[email protected]"]}

List Objects

To list, simply enter which bucket you want, you can customize your searches using the opts parameter, see:

package main

import (

func main() {
    cs, err := newInstanceGoogleStorage() // or newInstanceAwsS3Storage
    if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
        logger.Error("error create new instance cloud storage:", err)
    defer cs.SimpleDisconnect()
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 5*time.Second)
    defer cancel()
    opt := cstorage.NewOptsListObjects().SetPrefix("").SetDelimiter("")
    objs, err := cs.ListObjects(ctx, "go-cloud-storage", opt)
    if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
        logger.Error("error list objects on bucket:", err)
    } else {
        logger.Info("list objects obtained successfully! objs:", objs)


[INFO 2024/01/12 09:59:19] main.go:28: list objects obtained successfully! objs: [{"Key":"examples/json-example","LastModifiedAt":"2024-01-12T12:38:37Z","Size":132,"Url":""}]

Delete object

To remove a specific object, simply enter the bucket and key, see:

package main

import (

func main() {
    cs, err := newInstanceGoogleStorage() // or newInstanceAwsS3Storage
    if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
        logger.Error("error create new instance cloud storage:", err)
    defer cs.SimpleDisconnect()
    keyObject := "examples/json-example"
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 5*time.Second)
    defer cancel()
    err = cs.DeleteObject(ctx, cstorage.DeleteObjectInput{
        Bucket: "go-cloud-storage",
        Key:    keyObject,
    if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
        logger.Error("error delete object by key on bucket:", err)
    } else {
        logger.Info("object", keyObject, "deleted successfully!")


[INFO 2024/01/12 10:47:09] main.go:31: object examples/json-example deleted successfully!

For more examples of object deletion, visit link.

Delete objects by prefix

To remove all objects from a prefix, see:

package main

import (

func main() {
    cs, err := newInstanceGoogleStorage() // or newInstanceAwsS3Storage
    if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
        logger.Error("error create new instance cloud storage:", err)
    defer cs.SimpleDisconnect()
    prefix := "examples/"
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), 5*time.Second)
    defer cancel()
    err = cs.DeleteObjectsByPrefix(ctx, cstorage.DeletePrefixInput{
        Bucket: "go-cloud-storage",
        Prefix: prefix,
    if helper.IsNotNil(err) {
        logger.Error("error delete objects by prefix on bucket:", err)
    } else {
        logger.Info("prefix", prefix, "deleted successfully!")


[INFO 2024/01/12 10:52:58] main.go:32: prefix examples/ deleted successfully!

For more examples of prefix deletion, visit link.

Used go drives

How to contribute

Make a pull request, or if you find a bug, open it an Issues.


Distributed under MIT license, see the license file within the code for more details.