Simple authorization solution with PSR-11 Container compatibility and PSR-7 style Middleware. No hierarchical stuff so far.
$ composer require germania-kg/authorization
The Authorization constructor requires an Access Control List, i.e. an array with tasks as keys and allowed roles arrays as elements. The second parameter defines whether to permit in case a task is not defined.
use Germania\Authorization\Authorization;
// Define tasks and allowed roles
$acl = array(
'/foo' => [ "coworkers", "superuser"],
'/bar' => [ "superuser", "registered"]
// Wether to permit undefined tasks
$default_permission = true;
// Create instance, optional with PSR-3 Logger
$authorization = new Authorization( $acl, $default_permission );
$authorization = new Authorization( $acl, $default_permission, $logger );
The Authorization class implements the AuthorizationInterface which defines a single authorize method. Additionally, Authorization provides a __invoke function und thus is callable.
$user_roles = [ "coworkers", "somegroup" ];
// Result is TRUE
$allowed = $authorization->authorize("/foo", $user_roles);
$allowed = $authorization("/foo", $user_roles);
// Result is FALSE
$allowed = $authorization->authorize("/bar", $user_roles);
$allowed = $authorization("/bar", $user_roles);
// Should be TRUE due to default permission above
$allowed = $authorization->authorize("/somethingelse", $user_roles);
$allowed = $authorization("/somethingelse", $user_roles);
Per-task logging: Both authorize and __invoke Methods do accept an optional PSR-3 Logger instance. This enables you to disable or override the default logger you passed on instantiation. Example:
$silent_log = new Psr\Log\NullLogger;
$authorization->authorize("/foo", $user_roles, $silent_log);
$authorization("/foo", $user_roles, $silent_log);
The AuthorizationInterface implements both PSR-11 ContainerInterface and the deprecated Interop\Container\ContainerInterface for backward compatibility. So you can test if your Authorization instance has a task and get the allowed roles.
If a task is not defined, a TaskNotFoundException exception will be thrown. This class implements both the Interop\Container\Exception\NotFoundException and PSR-11's Psr\Container\NotFoundExceptionInterface interface.
More information: PSR-11 Container • container-interop/container-interop
use Germania\Authorization\TaskNotFoundException;
use Psr\Container\NotFoundExceptionInterface;
// Assuming example from above:
$has = $authorization->has( "/foo" );
// array( "coworkers", "superuser"] )
try {
$roles = $authorization->get( "/foo" );
// will throw TaskNotFoundException
$roles = $authorization->get( "/something-else" );
catch (NotFoundExceptionInterface $e) {
if ($e instanceOf NotFoundException) {
echo "Interop Container: NotFoundException";
This packages offers three PSR7-style middlewares. All take a Callable authorizer (e.g. class Authorization, see above) and optionally a PSR-3 Logger.
If authorization fails, the Response object gets a 401 Unauthorized
status; after that, the next middelware will be called. This enables you to work with unauthorized requests in later middlewares or controllers.—Well, this is what basically happens inside:
// Your Callable passed into constructor
$authorize = $this->authorizer;
if (!$authorize( $url )):
$response = $response->withStatus( 401 );
$response = $next($request, $response);
return $response;
RequestUriAuthorizationMiddleware will check PSR-7 Request's URI string; suitable in most cases.
use Germania\Authorization\RequestUriAuthorizationMiddleware;
// Have your Authorization callable at hand
$auth = new Authorization( ... );
// Optionally with PSR-3 Logger
$middleware = new RequestUriAuthorizationMiddleware( $auth )
$middleware = new RequestUriAuthorizationMiddleware( $auth, $logger )
RouteNameAuthorizationMiddleware is for those working with Slim Framework's Route Names. To get access to current route name, set determineRouteBeforeAppMiddleware in Slim's configuration settings to true.
use Germania\Authorization\RouteNameAuthorizationMiddleware;
// Have your Authorization callable at hand
$auth = new Authorization( ... );
// Optionally with PSR-3 Logger
$middleware = new RouteNameAuthorizationMiddleware( $auth );
$middleware = new RouteNameAuthorizationMiddleware( $auth, $logger );
// Setup Slim App:
$app = new \Slim\App( [
'settings' => [
// Set this to true to get access to route within middleware
'determineRouteBeforeAppMiddleware' => true
// Add Middleware
$app->add( $middleware );
AuthorizationMiddleware is the base class of the two above, and more configurable. It takes another Callable returning a custom term (or “permission”, you name it) you like to authorize, next to our Authorization Callable from the examples above.
use Germania\Authorization\AuthorizationMiddleware;
// Have your Authorization callable at hand
$auth = new Authorization( ... );
// Setup Callable for URLs (or, permissions, you name it)
$url_getter = function( $request ) {
return (string) $request->getUri();
// Optionally with PSR-3 Logger
$middleware = new AuthorizationMiddleware( $auth, $url_getter );
$middleware = new AuthorizationMiddleware( $auth, $url_getter, $logger );
See issues list.
$ git clone
$ cd Authorization
$ composer install
Either copy phpunit.xml.dist
to phpunit.xml
and adapt to your needs, or leave as is. Run PhpUnit test or composer scripts like this:
$ composer test
# or
$ vendor/bin/phpunit