This repository contains the firmware source code and the hardware design files. The documentation generator configs can be found at
- software/:
- examples/: Examples for all supported languages
- build/: Makefile and compiled files
- src/: Source code of firmware
- generate_makefile: Shell script to generate Makefile from cmake script
- hardware/:
- Contains kicad project files and additionally schematics as pdf
- datasheets/:
- Contains datasheets for sensors and complex ICs that are used
The hardware is designed with the open source EDA Suite KiCad ( Before you are able to open the files, you have to install the Tinkerforge kicad-libraries ( You can either clone them directly in hardware/ or clone them in a separate folder and symlink them into hardware/ (ln -s kicad_path/kicad-libraries project_path/hardware). After that you can open the .pro file in hardware/ with kicad and from there view and modify the schematics and the PCB layout.
To compile the C code we recommend you to install the newest CodeSourcery ARM EABI GCC compiler ( You also need to install the bricklib ( You can either clone it directly in software/src/ or clone it in a separate folder and symlink it into software/src/ (ln -s bricklib_path/bricklib project_path/software/src/). Finally make sure to have CMake installed (
After that you can generate a Makefile from the cmake script with the generate_makefile shell script (in software/) and build the firmware by invoking make in software/build/. The firmware (.bin) can then be found in software/build/ and uploaded to the Brick. A tutorial on how to upload the firmware can be found here: