Simple, Lightweight, Databaseless Service Desk for Home Labbers, Families, and One Man MSPs.
Current Version: v0.3.0
GoobyDesk Repo Wiki & Production Deployment Guide you can find information on my code standards, my variables, and other data I think is important for an open source project to be successful after the creator moves on.
- GoobyDesk is a Python3, Flask-based web application.
- Mobile-friendly landing page with lightweight ticket submission.
- Requestor Name
- Requestor Contact Email
- Ticket Subject/Title
- Ticket Message
- Ticket Category
- Request
- Incident
- Maintenance
- Change
- Access
- New Ticket Created confirmation emails are sent from an inbox defined in a DOTENV file.
- New Ticket Created confirmation emails are based on a clean HTML5 Jinja template that can be easily customized.
- User email replies are appended to the ticket notes.
- Technician Dashboard where logged in users can view Open Tickets and Close them.
- Support for multiple technicians.
- Closed Tickets are hidden by default.
- File locking and retry support on Windows
- Implement standardized
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 ./
CTRL+C to break. deactivate
to clean up.
python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
CTRL+C to break. deactivate
to clean up.