A BONELAB code mod that lets you keep your inventory when switching between levels that do not save your inventory or when rejoining the game. It features:
- Full Fusion Support!
- Saving data about guns and loading them!
- Customizability, such as disabling inventory loading on level load, or saving/loading ammo
- And much more!
This mod might remove campaign data regarding the inventory while playing through campaign levels. You can change this behaviour at any time by going to the BoneMenu > HAHOOS > KeepInventory > Other and disabling Remove Initial Inventory From Save
If you find any bugs, I recommend creating an issue. This will really help the development of the mod
The "Box" asset used in the logo is under the MIT License
- Saved gun with the slide locked might not load with it locked
- Guns not being put in inventory slots for new players in Fusion (I have asked Lakatrazz and he said it's a problem with Fusion)